

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET可用于将合并函数应用于数据透视表的数据字段(或值字段)。在Microsoft Excel中,您可以右键单击值字段,然后选择值字段设置…选项,然后选择选项卡根据汇总的值。从那里,您可以选择您喜欢的任何合并函数,如求和、计数、平均、最大、最小、乘积、不同计数等。

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET提供ConsolidationFunction枚举以支持以下合并函数。

  • ConsolidationFunction.AVERAGE
  • ConsolidationFunction.COUNT
  • ConsolidationFunction.COUNT_NUMS
  • ConsolidationFunction.DISTINCT_COUNT
  • ConsolidationFunction.MAX
  • ConsolidationFunction.MIN
  • ConsolidationFunction.PRODUCT
  • ConsolidationFunction.STD_DEV
  • ConsolidationFunction.STD_DEVP
  • ConsolidationFunction.SUM
  • ConsolidationFunction.VAR
  • ConsolidationFunction.VARP

如何使用Aspose.Cells for Python Excel库将ConsolidationFunction应用于数据字段的数据透视表


from aspose.cells import ConsolidationFunction, Workbook
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
# The path to the documents directory.
dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir(".")
# Create workbook from source excel file
workbook = Workbook(dataDir + "Book.xlsx")
# Access the first worksheet of the workbook
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
# Access the first pivot table of the worksheet
pivotTable = worksheet.pivot_tables[0]
# Apply Average consolidation function to first data field
pivotTable.data_fields[0].function = ConsolidationFunction.AVERAGE
# Apply DistinctCount consolidation function to second data field
pivotTable.data_fields[1].function = ConsolidationFunction.DISTINCT_COUNT
# Calculate the data to make changes affect
# Saving the Excel file
workbook.save(dataDir + "output.xlsx")