

在 Excel 中,您可以选择一个范围,然后插入一个范围,并向右或向下移动其他数据。


使用Aspose.Cells for Python Excel库插入范围

Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET 提供 Cells.insert_range 方法以插入范围。


插入一个范围,并像下面的 Aspose.Cells 代码一样向右移动单元格:

from aspose.cells import CellArea, ShiftType, Workbook
# Instantiate a new Workbook.
workbook = Workbook()
# Get all the worksheets in the book.
worksheets = workbook.worksheets
# Get the first worksheet in the worksheets collection.
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
cells = worksheet.cells
# Create a range of cells.
sourceRange = cells.create_range("A1", "A2")
startRow = sourceRange.first_row
startCol = sourceRange.first_column
# Input some data with some formattings into
# A few cells in the range.
cells.get(startRow, startCol).put_value("Test")
cells.get(startRow + 1, startCol).put_value("123")
ca = CellArea.create_cell_area("A1", "A2")
worksheet.cells.insert_range(ca, ShiftType.RIGHT)
print(worksheet.cells.get("B1").string_value == "Test")


插入一个范围,并像下面的 Aspose.Cells 代码一样向下移动单元格:

from aspose.cells import CellArea, ShiftType, Workbook
# Instantiate a new Workbook.
workbook = Workbook()
# Get all the worksheets in the book.
worksheets = workbook.worksheets
# Get the first worksheet in the worksheets collection.
worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0]
cells = worksheet.cells
# Create a range of cells.
sourceRange = cells.create_range("A1", "A2")
startRow = sourceRange.first_row
startCol = sourceRange.first_column
# Input some data with some formattings into
# A few cells in the range.
cells.get(startRow, startCol).put_value("Test")
cells.get(startRow + 1, startCol).put_value("123")
ca = CellArea.create_cell_area("A1", "A2")
worksheet.cells.insert_range(ca, ShiftType.DOWN)
print(worksheet.cells.get("A3").string_value == "Test")