Convert Visio to HTML format

导出 Visio 到 HTML

This article explains how to export a Microsoft Visio diagram to HTML using Aspose.Diagram for Python via Java API.

Use the Diagram class constructor to read the diagram files and the Save method to export the diagram to any supported image format. Developers can save resultant HTML in the local storage or directly to a stream instance.

下图显示了一个VSD档案 about to be saved to PNG format. You can use other diagram formats (VSDX, VSTM, VSTM, VSSX, VSS, VSSM, VDX, VST, VSTX, VDX, VTX or VSX) as well.

输入 diagram。


In order to export VSD diagram to HTML, perform the following steps:

  1. 创建 Diagram 类的实例。
  2. Call the Dagram class' Save method and set HTML as the output format.

下图显示了输出 HTML 文件。

Output HTML diagram.


Save resultant HTML in the local storage


Save Resultant HTML in Local Storage Programming Sample

Save resultant HTML in a stream instance

It is for use case to save the resultant HTML in a database or repository without storing it in the local storage. This feature also embeds other resultant resources of the HTML, e.g. fonts, CSS (containing the style information) and images. Since it saves a single HTML file into the stream instance.

Save Resultant HTML in a Stream Programming Sample