How to Migrate from Aspose.Metafiles to Aspose.Imaging

Notable Changes for Existing Users

Since Aspose.Imaging has taken over the Aspose.Metafiles API, we have tried to keep everything as it was in Aspose.Metafiles API. However, a few changes were necessary. When migrating from Aspose.Metafiles to Aspose.Imaging, the following should be taken into account:

  • The MetafileImage class no longer contains the write method, instead use the standard Aspose.Imaging approach using save method which provides the same functionality.
  • The MetafileImage class no longer contains the static LoadMetafile method, instead use the standard factory method, Load, which provides the same functionality.
  • The EmfMetafile and WmfMetafile classes have been renamed EmfMetafileImage and WmfMetafileImage respectively.

Import Statement


 import com.aspose.imaging.*;

Class Mapping Aspose.Metafiles to Aspose.Imaging

Aspose.Metafiles Aspose.Imaging Remarks
com.aspose.metafiles.License com.aspose.imaging.License There is only one License class in the Aspose.Imaging for Java API to apply the license for all features including the ones related to metafiles.
com.aspose.metafiles.EmfMetafile aspose.imaging.fileformats.metafile.EmfMetafileImage The base class EmfMetafile has been renamed to EmfMetafileImage. All methods previously available under EmfMetafile class are now available in the EmfMetafileImage class.
com.aspose.metafiles.WmfMetafile com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.metafile.WmfMetafileImage The base class WmfMetafile has been renamed to WmfMetafileImage. All methods previously available under WmfMetafile class are now available in the WmfMetafileImage class.
com.aspose.metafiles.ColorMap com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.metafile.ColorMap Just the package was changed without any other notable changes in the interfaces or methods.
com.aspose.metafiles.MetafileCharsetCollection com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.metafile.MetafileCharsetCollection Just the package was changed without any other notable changes in the interfaces or methods.
com.aspose.metafiles.MetafileComment com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.metafile.MetafileComment Just the package was changed without any other notable changes in the interfaces or methods.
com.aspose.metafiles.TextOutOperation com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.metafile.TextOutOperation Just the package was changed without any other notable changes in the interfaces or methods.
com.aspose.metafiles.MetafilesException com.aspose.imaging.exceptions.imageformats.MetafilesException MetafilesException extends ImageException and handles all errors detected with metafiles.
com.aspose.metafiles.AsposeLicenseException com.aspose.imaging.PleaseReportException AsposeLicenseException class was removed when the Aspose.Metafiles packages were merged into Aspose.Imaging because Aspose.Imaging already handles license related errors through PleaseReportException class.