How to Run the Examples

Download Examples from GitHub

All examples of Aspose.Drawing for Java are hosted onĀ GitHub.

  • Clone the repository using your preferred GitHub client or download the ZIP file from Aspose.Drawing-for-Java repository.

  • Unzip the contents to a folder of your choice on your computer; all examples are in the Examples folder.

Import Examples to IDE Project

Utilize any IDE, such as an IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse, to run the examples. Import the desired example via File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Add -> Import Module and select the directory with sources:

Import Aspose.Drawing for Java examples Select directory with examples to add the the project

Adding Dependencies

Include the necessary JAR files (Libraries) to the project on the “Dependencies” tab:

Add dependencies from Aspose.Drawing JAR file

Aspose.Drawing for Java examples opened in IntelliJ IDEA:

Aspose.Drawing for Java examples opened in IDE

If you have any issues setting up or running the examples, you can reach out to our Forum.


Feel free to contribute to the project by adding or enhancing examples. All examples and showcase projects in this repository are open source, and available for unrestricted use in your applications.

To contribute, simply fork the repository, modify the source code, and then create a pull request. We’ll thoroughly review the changes and incorporate them into the repository if deemed beneficial.