Lea el archivo de plantilla de Outlook OFT

Aspose.Email - Lea la plantilla de Outlook OFT

Aspose.Email’s MailMessage la clase se puede usar para cargar un archivo de plantilla de Microsoft Outlook (OFT). Una vez cargada la plantilla de Outlook en una instancia de la clase MailMessage, puede actualizar el remitente, el destinatario, el cuerpo, el asunto y otras propiedades.


 // Load the Outlook template (OFT) file in MailMessage's instance

MailMessage message = MailMessage.load(dataDir + "sample.oft");

// Set the sender and recipients information

String senderDisplayName = "John";

String senderEmailAddress = "john@abc.com";

String recipientDisplayName = "William";

String recipientEmailAddress = "william@xzy.com";

message.setSender(new MailAddress(senderEmailAddress, senderDisplayName));

message.getTo().addMailAddress(new MailAddress(recipientEmailAddress, recipientDisplayName));

message.setHtmlBody(message.getHtmlBody().replace("DisplayName", "<b>" + recipientDisplayName + "</b>"));

// Set the name, location and time in email body

String meetingLocation = "<u>" + "Hall 1, Convention Center, New York, USA" + "</u>";

String meetingTime = "<u>" + "Monday, June 28, 2010" + "</u>";

message.setHtmlBody(message.getHtmlBody().replace("MeetingPlace", meetingLocation));

message.setHtmlBody(message.getHtmlBody().replace("MeetingTime", meetingTime));

// Save the message in MSG format and open in Office Outlook

MapiMessage mapimessage = new MapiMessage().fromMailMessage(message);


mapimessage.save(dataDir + "AsposeInvitation.msg");

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