Convert ICS Other Formats
Convert ICS to EML
For a calendar event or appointment representation, Aspose.Email has the Appointment class. The following code sample demonstrates the process of ICS to EML conversion:
- Load the ICS file to be converted using the Calendar.Appointment.Load method.
- Create a new MailMessage object to hold the calendar data.
- Add the appointment from the ICS file to the EML as an alternate view using the RequestApointment() method.
- Save the EML file with the converted data using the Save method with the EmlSaveOptions specifying the save type as EmlFormat.
// load the ICS file to be converted
var ics = Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics");
// create an EML
var eml = new MailMessage();
// add appointment to EML
// save the EML
eml.Save("Saved File.eml", new EmlSaveOptions(MailMessageSaveType.EmlFormat));
Convert ICS to EMLX
To convert an ICS file to EMLx format, follow the instructions from Convert ICS to EML article and save the .emlx file as shown in the following line of code:
// save as a EMLX
eml.Save("Saved File.emlx", new EmlSaveOptions(MailMessageSaveType.EmlxFormat));
Convert ICS to HTML
The following code sample demonstrates the conversion process:
- Load the ICS file to be converted using the Calendar.Appointment.Load method.
- Create a new MailMessage object to hold the calendar data.
- Add the appointment from the ICS file to the EML as an alternate view using the RequestApointment() method.
- Save the EML file with the converted data using the Save method with the HtmlSaveOptions to provide formatting options for the saved HTML file. In this specific case, the HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader is used to include the HTML header in the output file, while HtmlFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent is used to render any calendar events contained in the EML message in a format suitable for display.
// load the ICS file to be converted
var ics = Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics");
// create an EML
var eml = new MailMessage();
// add appointment to EML
// save EML as a HTML
eml.Save("Saved File.html", new HtmlSaveOptions { HtmlFormatOptions = HtmlFormatOptions.WriteHeader | HtmlFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent });
Use other values and properties of the HtmlFormatOptions enumeration and HtmlSaveOptions class to set format options as required.
Convert ICS to MBOX
The following code sample demonstrates the process of ICS to MBOX conversion. It loads an ICS file, creates an EML message, adds the appointment details from the ICS file to the EML message, and then writes the EML message to an MBOX storage file.
- Load the ICS file to be converted using the Calendar.Appointment.Load method.
- Create a new MailMessage object to hold the calendar data.
- Add the appointment from the ICS file to the EML as an alternate view using the RequestApointment() method.
- Create a new MboxrdStorageWriter object.
- Add the EML message to the storage by writing the message content in MBOX format to the MBOX file specified.
// load the ICS file to be converted
var ics = Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics");
// create an EML
var eml = new MailMessage();
// add appointment to EML
// create an MBOX storage
using var mboxStorage = new MboxrdStorageWriter("Saved File.mbox" , false);
// add EML to MBOX storage
Convert ICS to MHTML
The following code sample demonstrates the representation of all these steps in the conversion process using Aspose.Email for .NET library:
- Load the ICS file to be converted using the Calendar.Appointment.Load method.
- Create a new MailMessage object to hold the converted data.
- Add the appointment from the ICS file to the EML as an alternate view using the RequestApointment() method.
- Save the EML file with the converted data using the Save method with MhtSaveOptions to provide saving options for the MHTML file. In this specific case, the MhtFormatOptions.WriteHeader is used to include the email message header in the output file, while MhtFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent is used to render any calendar events contained in the EML message in a format suitable for display.
// load the ICS file to be converted
var ics = Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics");
// create an EML
var eml = new MailMessage();
// add appointment to EML
// save EML as a MHTML
eml.Save("Saved File.mht", new MhtSaveOptions{MhtFormatOptions = MhtFormatOptions.WriteHeader | MhtFormatOptions.RenderCalendarEvent});
This approach ensures that the converted MHTML file retains the calendar event details and formatting, enabling efficient sharing and viewing across various platforms and email clients.
Feel free to use other values and properties of the MhtFormatOptions enumeration and MhtSaveOptions class to set format options as required.
Convert ICS to MSG
Converting ICS (iCalendar) files to MSG format is reasonable for better compatibility with Microsoft Outlook, as MSG files are commonly used for storing email messages, appointments, and other Outlook-related data. The following code sample demonstrates how to load an ICS file, manipulate its content, and save it as an MSG file without losing any data or formatting:
- Load the ICS file using the Calendar.Appointment.Load() and create an Appointment object from the calendar data stored in the file.
- Call the Save method on the Appointment object to convert and save the loaded appointment data from the ICS file to an MSG file at the specified location.
// load the ICS file to be converted
// save ICS as a MSG
Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics").Save("Saved File.msg", AppointmentSaveFormat.Msg);
Convert ICS to OFT
The process involves loading ICS files and saving them as MSG files with further conversion to OFT format:
- Create a new stream object to store the appointment data in memory.
- Load the appointment data from the ICS file. Save the appointment data to the stream object in MSG format using the Save() method.
- Load the appointment data from the stream by creating a new MapiMessage object using the MapiMessage.Load() method.
- Save the loaded MapiMessage data as an Outlook template file using the Save() method with the provided format options SaveOptions.DefaultOft.
// load the ICS file to be converted
// save ICS as a MSG
using var msgStream = new MemoryStream();
Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics").Save(msgStream, AppointmentSaveFormat.Msg);
// save MSG as an OFT
MapiMessage.Load(ms).Save("Saved File.oft", SaveOptions.DefaultOft);
Convert ICS to OST
Aspose.Email provides functionality to load an ICS file, save it as a MSG file, then open an OST file, access calendar folders within the file, and easily add MSG files to the calendar folder:
- Create a stream to store the appointment data.
- Load the appointment data from an ICS file using the Appointment.Load() method and save it to the stream in MSG format with the Appointment.Save method.
- Load the Personal Storage file using the FromFile method of the PersonalStorage class.
- Retrieve the calendar folder from the Personal Storage file with the PersoanlStorage.GetPredefinedFolder method.
- Use the FolderInfo.AddMessage method to add the appointment message to the calendar folder in the OST file.
// load the ICS file to be converted
// save ICS as a MSG
using var msgStream = new MemoryStream();
Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics").Save(msgStream, AppointmentSaveFormat.Msg);
// open an OST file
using var pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile("Saved File.ost");
// get a calendar folder
var calendarFolder = pst.GetPredefinedFolder(StandardIpmFolder.Appointments);
// add MSG to the calendar folder
Convert ICS to PST
The following code sample demonstrates the conversion process:
- Create a stream to hold the appointment data.
- Load the appointment data from an ICS file using the Appointment.Load() method and save it to the stream in MSG format with the Appointment.Save method.
- Create a new PST file with the file name using the PersonalStorage.Create method.
- Create a calendar folder within the PST file to store appointments using the CreatePredefinedFolder method.
- Add the appointment message to the calendar folder within the PST file using the FolderInfo.AddMessage method.
// load the ICS file to be converted
// save ICS as a MSG
using var msgStream = new MemoryStream();
Aspose.Email.Calendar.Appointment.Load("My File.ics").Save(msgStream, AppointmentSaveFormat.Msg);
// create a PST file
using var pst = PersonalStorage.Create("Saved File.pst", FileFormatVersion.Unicode);
// create a calendar folder
var calendarFolder = pst.CreatePredefinedFolder("Calendar", StandardIpmFolder.Appointments);
// add MSG to the calendar folder