Working with Messages in a PST File
Adding Messages to PST Files
Create a New PST File and Add Subfolders showed how to create a PST file and add a subfolder to it. With Aspose.Email you can add messages to subfolders of a PST file that you have created or loaded. This article adds two messages from disk to the Inbox subfolder of a PST. Use the PersonalStorage and FolderInfo classes to add messages to PST files. To add messages to a PST file’s Inbox folder:
- Create an instance of the FolderInfo class and load it with the contents of the Inbox folder.
- Add messages from disk to the Inbox folder by calling the FolderInfo.add_message() method. The FolderInfo class exposes the add_messages method that enables to add large number of messages to the folder, reducing I/O operations to disc and improving performance. A complete example can be found below, in Adding Bulk Messages.
The code snippets below shows how to add messages to a PST subfolder called Inbox.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
pst = PersonalStorage.create(dataDir + "AddMessagesToPst_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.UNICODE) | |
# Add new folder "Inbox" | |
inboxFolder = pst.root_folder.add_sub_folder("Inbox"); | |
# Add message to Inbox Folder | |
inboxFolder.add_message(MapiMessage.from_file(dataDir + "MapiMsgWithPoll.msg")) | |
pst.dispose() |
Adding Bulk Messages
Adding individual messages to a PST implies more I/O operations to disc and hence may slow down performance. For improved performance, messages can be added to the PST in bulk mode to minimize I/O operations. The add_messages method allows you to define a range of message be added to the PST for improved performance and can be used as in the following scenarios.
Loading Messages from Disc
The following code snippet shows you how to loading messages from disc.
from import PersonalStorage, StandardIpmFolder, FileFormatVersion
def add_messages_in_bulk_mode(file_name, msg_folder_name):
with PersonalStorage.from_file(file_name) as personal_storage:
folder = personal_storage.root_folder.get_sub_folder("myInbox")
# Usage
add_messages_in_bulk_mode("file.pst", "folder_with_messages")
MapiMessageCollection Implementation
The following code snippet shows you how to implement MapiMessageCollection.
import os
from import MapiMessage
class MapiMessageEnumerator:
def __init__(self, path):
self.files = os.listdir(path)
self.position = -1
def __next__(self):
self.position += 1
if self.position < len(self.files):
return MapiMessage.from_file(os.path.join(self.path, self.files[self.position]))
raise StopIteration
def __iter__(self):
return self
class MapiMessageCollection:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
def __iter__(self):
return MapiMessageEnumerator(self.path)
# Usage
msg_folder_name = "\\Files\\msg"
message_collection = MapiMessageCollection(msg_folder_name)
for message in message_collection:
# Do something with each MapiMessage
Adding Messages from Other PST
For adding messages from the another PST, use the FolderInfo.enumerate_mapi_messages() method. The following code snippet shows you how to add messages from other PST.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
sourcePst = PersonalStorage.from_file(dataDir + "Outlook.pst") | |
# Add new folder "Inbox" | |
sourceFolder = sourcePst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox") | |
destPst = PersonalStorage.create("DestinationPst_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.UNICODE) | |
# Add new folder "Inbox" | |
destFolder = destPst.root_folder.add_sub_folder("Inbox") | |
sourceMsgs = sourceFolder.get_contents() | |
destFolder.add_messages(sourceFolder.enumerate_mapi_messages()) | |
#Verify that the messages have been added to the destination PST | |
print(str(destFolder.content_count)) |
Get Messages Information from an Outlook PST File
In Read Outlook PST File and Get Folders and Subfolders Information, we discussed loading an Outlook PST file and browse its folders to get the folder names and the number of messages in them. This article explains how to read all the folders and subfolders in the PST file and display the information about messages, for example, subject, sender, and recipients. The Outlook PST file may contain nested folders. To get message information from these, as well as the top-level folders, use a recursive method to read all the folders. The following code snippet shows you how to reads an Outlook PST file and display the folder and message contents recursively.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
#Read PST file and recursively list its contents | |
pst = PersonalStorage.from_file(dataDir + "Outlook.pst") | |
folderInfo = pst.root_folder | |
DisplayFolderContents(folderInfo, pst) |
Extracting Messages Form PST Files
This article shows how to read Microsoft Outlook PST files and extract messages. Below is a code snippet showing how to extract messages from a PST file.
from import *
from import MapiMessage
pst = PersonalStorage.from_file("Outlook.pst")
folderInfo = pst.root_folder
messageInfoCollection = folderInfo.get_contents()
for messageInfo in messageInfoCollection:
mapi = pst.extract_message(messageInfo)
print("Subject: " + mapi.subject)
print("Sender name: " + mapi.sender_name)
print("Sender email address: " + mapi.sender_email_address)
print("To: ", mapi.display_to)
print("Cc: ", mapi.display_cc)
print("Bcc: ", mapi.display_bcc)
print("Delivery time: ", str(mapi.delivery_time))
print("Body: " + mapi.body)
Extracting n Number of Messages from a PST File
To extract a specific number of messages from a PST file, use the get_contents(start_index, count) method of the FolderInfo class. It takes two parameters:
- start_index - the number of the starting message, for example the 10th;
- count - total number of messages to retrieve.
Retrieving only the necessary subset of messages at a time can be useful for managing large volumes of email data. The following code sample demonstrates the implementation of this feature:
import as ae
pst ="my.pst")
folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox")
# Extracts messages starting from 10th index top and extract total 100 messages
messages = folder.get_contents(10, 100)
Getting Total Items Count from a PST File
To retrieve the total number of items (such as emails, appointments, tasks, contacts, etc.) present in the message store, use the get_total_items_count() method of the MessageStore class. It provides a convenient way to quickly gather information about the size and volume of data within the store. The following code snippet shows how to get the total number of items from a PST file:
import as ae
pst ="my.pst")
count =
Delete Messages from PST Files
Add Messages to PST Files showed how to add messages to PST files. It is, of course, also possible to delete items (contents) from a PST file and it may also be desirable to delete messages in bulk. Items from a PST file can be deleted using the FolderInfo.delete_child_item() method. The API also provides FolderInfo.delete_child_items() method to delete items in bulk from the PST file.
Deleting Messages from PST Files
This articles shows how to Use the FolderInfo class to access specific folders in a PST file. To delete messages from the Sent subfolder of a previously loaded or created PST file:
- Create an instance of the FolderInfo class and load it with the contents of the sent subfolder.
- Delete messages from the Sent folder by calling the FolderInfo.delete_child_item() method and passing the MessageInfo.entry_id as a parameter. The following code snippet shows you how to delete messages from a PST file’s Sent subfolder.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
pst = PersonalStorage.from_file(dataDir + "Outlook.pst") | |
# Get the format of the file | |
folder = pst.get_predefined_folder(StandardIpmFolder.SENT_ITEMS) | |
print("Total messges count in folder: " + str(len(folder.get_contents()))) | |
#Delete First Item | |
msgsColl = folder.get_contents() | |
msgInfo = msgsColl[0] | |
folder.delete_child_item(msgInfo.entry_id) | |
print("Total messges count in folder after deletion: " + str(len(folder.get_contents()))) |
Deleting Folders from PST Files
You can delete a PST folder by moving it to the Deleted Items folder.
import as ae
pst ="my.pst")
deleted_items_folder = pst.get_predefined_folder(
empty_folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Empty folder")
some_folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Some folder")
pst.move_item(empty_folder, deleted_items_folder)
pst.move_item(some_folder, deleted_items_folder)
The advantage of this method is that the deleted folder can be easily recovered.
some_folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Some folder")
pst.move_item(some_folder, pst.root_folder)
You can also permanently remove a folder from the Deleted Items folder, if necessary.
The delete_child_item method can be used for any folders if you want to immediately and permanently delete a subfolder, bypassing the Deleted Items folder.
some_folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Some folder")
Delete Items from PST
In many messaging systems or email clients, each item (such as an email, appointment, or task) is assigned a unique identifier called an entry ID. The delete_item(entry_id) method of the FolderInfo class takes this entry ID as a parameter and removes the corresponding item from the message store. Use the following code to delete an item from the message store:
import as ae
pst ="my.pst")
# ...
# ...
Delete Items in Bulk from PST File
Aspose.Email API can be used to delete items in bulk from a PST file. This is achieved using the delete_child_items() method which accepts a list of Entry ID items referring to the items to be deleted. The following code snippet shows you how to delete Items in bulk from PST file.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
pst = PersonalStorage.from_file(dataDir + "Outlook.pst") | |
# Get the format of the file | |
folder = pst.get_predefined_folder(StandardIpmFolder.INBOX) | |
print("Total messges count in folder: " + str(len(folder.get_contents()))) | |
# Create instance of PersonalStorageQueryBuilder | |
queryBuilder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder() | |
queryBuilder.subject.contains("Microsoft") | |
messages = folder.get_contents(queryBuilder.get_query()); | |
print("No. of Messages as per specified criterion: " + str(len(messages))) | |
deleteList = [] | |
for messageInfo in messages: | |
deleteList.append(messageInfo.entry_id_string) | |
folder.delete_child_items(deleteList) |
Search Messages and Folders in a PST by Criterion
Personal Storage (PST) files can contain a huge amount of data and searching for data that meets a specific criteria in such large files needs to include multiple check points in the code to filter the information. With the PersonalStorageQueryBuilder class, Aspose.Email makes it possible to search for specific records in a PST based on a specified search criteria. A PST can be searched for messages based on search parameters such as sender, receiver, subject, message importance, presence of attachments, message size, and even message ID. The PersonalStorageQueryBuilder can also be used to search for subfolders.
Searching Messages and Folders in PST
The following code snippet shows you how to use the PersonalStorageQueryBuilder class to search for contents in a PST based on different search criteria. For example, it shows searching a PST based on:
- Message importance.
- Message class.
- Presence of attachments.
- Message size.
- Unread messages.
- Unread messages with attachments, and
- folders with specific subfolder name.
from import MapiMessageFlags
from import PersonalStorage, PersonalStorageQueryBuilder, MapiImportance
with PersonalStorage.from_file(data_dir + "my.pst") as personal_storage:
folder = personal_storage.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox")
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# High importance messages
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
print("Messages with High Imp:", messages.count)
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
print("Messages with IPM.Note:", messages.count)
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# Messages with attachments AND high importance
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
print("Messages with atts:", messages.count)
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# Messages with size > 15 KB
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
print("Messages size > 15 KB:", messages.count)
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# Unread messages
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
print("Unread:", messages.count)
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# Unread messages with attachments
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
print("Unread msgs with atts:", messages.count)
# Folder with name 'SubInbox'
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
folders = folder.get_sub_folders(builder.get_query())
print("Folder having subfolder:", folders.count)
builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# Folders with subfolders
folders = folder.get_sub_folders(builder.get_query())
print("Folders with subfolders:", folders.count)
Searching for a String in PST with the Ignore Case Parameter
The following code snippet shows you how to search for a string in PST with the ignore case parameter.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
pst = PersonalStorage.from_file(dataDir + "Outlook.pst") | |
# Get the format of the file | |
folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox") | |
print("Total messges count in folder: " + str(len(folder.get_contents()))) | |
# Create instance of PersonalStorageQueryBuilder | |
queryBuilder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder() | |
queryBuilder.from_address.contains("saqib") | |
messages = folder.get_contents(queryBuilder.get_query()); | |
print("No. of Messages without Ignore Case specified: " + str(len(messages))) | |
queryBuilder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder() | |
queryBuilder.from_address.contains("saqib", True) | |
messages = folder.get_contents(queryBuilder.get_query()) | |
print("No. of Messages with Ignore Case specified: " + str(len(messages))) |
Searching for Message Subjects by Multiple Keywords in a PST File
Retrieve specific messages or items from a personal storage file (PST) or message store by implementing the either(query1, query2) method of the PersonalStorageQueryBuilder class in your project. It takes two parameters allowing you to combine two different queries, query1 and query2, and find a message subject matching either of the two specified words. See the code sample below:
import as ae
builder1 =
builder1.subject.contains("Review") # 'Review' is key word for the search
builder2 =
builder2.subject.contains("Error") # 'Error' is also key word for the search
builder =
# message subjects must contain 'Review' or 'Error' words
builder.either(builder1.get_query(), builder2.get_query())
pst ="my.pst")
folder = pst.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox")
messages = folder.get_contents(builder.get_query())
for message in messages:
print(f"Message: {message.subject}")
Move Items to Other Folders of PST File
Aspose.Email makes it possible to move items from a source folder to another folder in the same Personal Storage (PST) file. This includes:
- Moving a specified folder to a new parent folder.
- Moving a specified messages to a new folder.
- Moving the contents to a new folder.
- Moving subfolders to a new parent folder.
The following code snippet shows you how to move items such as messages and folders from a source folder to another folder in the same PST file.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
personalStorage = PersonalStorage.from_file(dataDir + "test.pst") | |
# Get the format of the file | |
inbox = personalStorage.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox") | |
deleted = personalStorage.get_predefined_folder(StandardIpmFolder.DELETED_ITEMS) | |
subfolder = inbox.get_sub_folder("SubInbox") | |
# Move folder and message to the Deleted Items | |
personalStorage.move_item(subfolder, deleted) | |
contents = subfolder.get_contents() | |
personalStorage.move_item(contents[0], deleted) | |
# Move all inbox subfolders and subfolder contents to the Deleted Items | |
inbox.move_subfolders(deleted) | |
subfolder.move_contents(deleted) |
Updating Message Properties in a PST File
It’s sometimes required to update certain properties of messages such as changing the subject, marking message importance and similarly others. Updating a message in a PST file, with such changes in the message properties, can be achieved using the FolderInfo.change_messages method. This article shows how to update messages in bulk in a PST file for changes in the properties. The following code snippet shows you how to update properties of messages in bulk mode for multiple messages in a PST file.
from import PersonalStorage, PersonalStorageQueryBuilder
from import MapiPropertyTag, MapiProperty, MapiPropertyCollection
pst_file_path = data_dir + "ya4demia04vb.pst"
# Load the Outlook PST file
with PersonalStorage.from_file(pst_file_path) as personal_storage:
# Get the required subfolder
inbox = personal_storage.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox")
# Find messages having From = ""
query_builder = PersonalStorageQueryBuilder()
# Get contents from query
messages = inbox.get_contents(query_builder.get_query())
# Save (MessageInfo, EntryIdString) in a list
change_list = [message_info.entry_id_string for message_info in messages]
# Compose the new properties
updated_properties = MapiPropertyCollection()
MapiProperty(MapiPropertyTag.SUBJECT_W, "New Subject".encode("utf-16le"))
MapiProperty(MapiPropertyTag.IMPORTANCE, bytearray([0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]))
# Update messages having From = "" with new properties
inbox.change_messages(change_list, updated_properties)
Updating Custom Properites in a PST File
Sometimes its required to mark items that are processed with in the PST file. Aspose.Email API allows to achieve this using the MapiProperty and MapiNamedProperty. The following methods are helpful in achieving this.
- ctor MapiNamedProperty(long propertyTag, string nameIdentifier, UUID propertyGuid, bytearray[] propertyValue)
- ctor MapiNamedProperty(long propertyTag, long nameIdentifier, UUID propertyGuid, bytearray[] propertyValue)
- FolderInfo.change_messages(MapiPropertyCollection updatedProperties) - changes all messages in folder
- PersonalStorage.change_messages(string entryId, MapiPropertyCollection updatedProperties) - change message properties
from uuid import UUID
from import PersonalStorage
from import MapiNamedProperty, MapiPropertyCollection
from import MapiPropertyType, MapiProperty, MapiPropertyTag
def generate_named_property_tag(index, data_type):
return (((0x8000 | index) << 16) | data_type) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF
def run():
# Load the Outlook file
pst_file_path = data_dir + "my.pst"
with PersonalStorage.from_file(pst_file_path) as personal_storage:
test_folder = personal_storage.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox")
# Create the collection of message properties for adding or updating
new_properties = MapiPropertyCollection()
# Normal, Custom, and PidLidLogFlags named properties
mapi_property = MapiProperty(
named_property1 = MapiNamedProperty(
generate_named_property_tag(0, MapiPropertyType.LONG),
bytearray([0x7B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
named_property2 = MapiNamedProperty(
generate_named_property_tag(1, MapiPropertyType.LONG),
bytearray([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
new_properties.add(named_property1.tag, named_property1)
new_properties.add(named_property2.tag, named_property2)
new_properties.add(mapi_property.tag, mapi_property)
test_folder.change_messages(test_folder.enumerate_messages_entry_id(), new_properties)
# Usage
Extract Attachments without Extracting Complete Message
Aspose.Email API can be used to extract attachments from PST messages without extracting the complete message first. The extract_attachments method of IEWSClient can be used to do this. The following code snippet shows you how to extract attachments without extracting complete message.
from import PersonalStorage
with PersonalStorage.from_file(data_dir + "my.pst") as personal_storage:
folder = personal_storage.root_folder.get_sub_folder("Inbox")
for message_info in folder.enumerate_messages_entry_id():
attachments = personal_storage.extract_attachments(message_info)
if attachments.count != 0:
for attachment in attachments:
if attachment.long_file_name is not None and attachment.long_file_name.endswith(".msg"):
else: + attachment.long_file_name)
Adding Files to PST
Microsoft Outlook’s key functionality is managing emails, calendars, tasks, contacts and journal entries. In addition, files can also be added to a PST folder and the resulting PST keeps record of the documents added. Aspose.Email provides the facility to add files to a folder in the same way in addition to adding messages, contacts, tasks and journal entries to PST. The following code snippet shows you how to add documents to a PST folder using Aspose.Email.
For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
personalStorage = PersonalStorage.create(dataDir + "AddFilesToPst_out.pst", FileFormatVersion.UNICODE) | |
folder = personalStorage.root_folder.add_sub_folder("Files") | |
folder.add_file(dataDir + "FileToBeAddedToPST.txt", "") |