Aspose.GIS for .NET provides a rich set of features for working with data stored in common GIS file formats. You can read and write vector GIS data, convert between GIS file formats, create and analyze feature geometries, and render maps to SVG.
Supported Formats
Major supported file formats are:
- Shapefile
- ESRI File Geodatabase (FileGDB)
- Geography Markup Language (GML)
- Keyhole Markup Language (KML)
- Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- Databases (PostGis, Sql Server)
See Supported File Formats for the full list.
Read and Write Vector Data
- Read vector data
- Iterate through layer features
- Read layer features by index
- Retrieve metadata about vector layers
- Write vector data
- Create new layers and datasets
- Work with multi-layer datasets
- List existing layers
- Add new layers
- Remove layers from a dataset
- Build spatial indeces to speed up spatial queries.
Convert Vector Data
- Convert data to any supported format
- Perform reprojection while converting data
- Adjust feature attributes during conversion
Visualize Data
- Render maps to SVG, PNG, JPEG, or BMP
- Customize styling for each geometry type
- Combine several symbolizers to perform complex drawing
- Control visual representation of a feature by layer rendering rules
- Calculate styling parameters of a feature basing on values of its attributes
See Map Rendering for details.
Manipulate Geometries
- Create points, lines, and polygons from scratch
- Edit existing geometries
- Label objects on a map.
- Build non-linear geometries (curves)
- Linearize non-linear geometries (curves)
- Import and export geometries from/to WKT and WKB
- Control the precision model of calculations
Perform Vector Data Analysis
- Determine if any two geometries intersect each other.
- Test if geometries overlap, touch edges, intersect, and other relationships between geometries.
- Find distances between geometries
- Compute convex hulls, centroids, and buffer areas of geometries
- Compute an intersection, union or difference of any geometries.
Use Spatial Reference Systems
- Look up spatial reference systems by SRID
- Read SRS information from data files
- Assign an SRS to data you create
- Reproject individual geometries and entire layers
- Import spatial reference systems from WKT, export spatial reference systems to WKT