Manipulating DICOM Formats

Adjusting Brightness, Contrast and Gamma

Color adjustments in digital images is one of the core features that most of the imaging libraries provide. Color adjustments can be categorized in the following.

  1. Brightness refers to the lightness or darkness of color. Increasing the brightness of an image lights out all colors whereas decreasing the brightness darkens all colors.
  2. Contrast refers to making the objects or details within an image more obvious. Increasing the contrast of an image increases the difference between light and dark areas so that the light areas becomes lighter and dark areas becomes darker. Decreasing the contrast will make lighter and darker areas stay approximately the same but the overall image becomes more homogeneous.
  3. Gamma optimizes the contrast and brightness of the indirect lighting that is illuminating an object in the image.

Adjusting Brightness

Aspose.Imaging for Java API provide adjustBrightness method for the DicomImage class that can be used to adjust the Brightness by passing an integer value as parameter.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "AdjustingBrightness_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
//yar Image image = Image.load(dataDir + "aspose-logo.dxf");
// Adjust the brightness
// Create an instance of BmpOptions for the resultant image and Save the
// resultant image, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(AdjustingBrightness.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Adjusting Contrast

The adjustContrast method exposed by the DicomImage class can be used to adjust the Contrast of an image by passing a float value as parameter.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "AdjustingContrast_out.bmp";
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Adjust the contrast
// Create an instance of BmpOptions for the resultant image and Save the
// resultant image, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
Logger.getLogger(AdjustingBrightness.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Adjusting Gamma

The adjustGamma method exposed by the DicomImage class can be used to adjust the Gamma of an image by passing a float value as parameter.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "AdjustingGamma.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Adjust the gamma
// Create an instance of BmpOptions for the resultant image and Save the
// resultant image, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
Logger.getLogger(AdjustingBrightness.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Applying Filters

This article demonstrates the usage of Aspose.Imaging for Java to apply filter on a DICOM image. Aspose.Imaging APIs have exposed efficient & easy to use methods to achieve this goal.

The following code example demonstrates how to apply filter on DICOM image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "ApplyFilterOnDICOMImage_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Load an image
// Supply the filters to DICOM image.
image.filter(image.getBounds(), new com.aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions.MedianFilterOptions(8));
// Save the results to output path., new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());
catch (FileNotFoundException ex)
Logger.getLogger(AdjustingBrightness.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

Applying Binarization

In order to understand the concept of Binarization, it is important to define a Binary Image; that is a digital image that can have only two possible values for each pixel. Normally, the two colors used for a binary image are black and white though any two colors can be used. Binarization is the process of converting an image to bi-level meaning that each pixel is stored as a single bit (0 or 1) where 0 denotes the absence of color and 1 means presence of color.

Using Fixed Threshold

Following code snippet demonstrates how Fixed Threshold Binarization can be applied to a DICOM image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "BinarizationwithFixedThreshold_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
//try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Binarize image with predefined fixed threshold.
image.binarizeFixed((byte) 100);
// Save the resultant image., new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Using Otsu Threshold

Following code snippet demonstrates how Otsu Threshold Binarization can be applied to a DICOM image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "BinarizationwithOtsuThreshold_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Binarize image with Otsu Thresholding.
// Save the resultant image., new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Using Bradley’s Adaptive Threshold

Following code snippet demonstrates how Bradley’s Adaptive Threshold Binarization can be applied to a DICOM image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "BinarizationwithOtsuThreshold_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Binarize image with Otsu Thresholding.
// Save the resultant image., new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Using Grayscaling

Gray-scaling is the process of converting a continuous-tone image to an image with discontinues gray shades.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "Grayscaling_out.bmp";
// Load an existing image.
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Transform image to its grayscale representation
// Save the resultant image., new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Cropping Image

Image cropping usually refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to help improve the framing. Cropping may also be used to take out some portion of an image to increase the focus on a particular area. Aspose.Imaging for Java API now supports DICOM image cropping.

Cropping by Shifts

Image cropping usually refers to the removal of the outer parts of an image to help improve the framing. Cropping may also be used to take out some portion of an image to increase the focus on a particular area.

Aspose.Imaging for Java API now supports DICOM image cropping.

The DicomImage class provides the Crop method that accepts 4 integer values. Based on these four values, the Crop method take out that part of the image while discarding the rest of the image.

Programming Sample

The code snippet below demonstrates how to crop a DICOM image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "CropbyShifts_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
//try {
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Call and supply the four values to Crop method.
image.crop(10, 20, 30, 40);
// Save the results to disk, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Dithering For DICOM Image

Dithering is a technique of creating the illusion of new colors and shades by varying the pattern of dots that actually create an image. It is the most common means of reducing the color range of images down to the 256 (or fewer) colors.


Aspose.Imaging provides the dithering support for DicomImage class by introducing Dither method that accepts two parameters. First is of type DitheringMethod to be applied with two possible options FloydSteinbergDithering and ThresholdDithering. The second parameter to Dither method is the BitCount in integer.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "DitheringForDICOMImage_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
// Peform Threshold dithering on the image
image.dither(com.aspose.imaging.DitheringMethod.ThresholdDithering, 1);
// Save the image, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Resizing DICOM Image

This article demonstrates the usage of Aspose.Imaging for Java to perform Resize operation on a DICOM image. Aspose.Imaging APIs have exposed efficient & easy to use methods to achieve this goal.

Resizing Image

Aspose.Imaging for Java has exposed the Resize method of the DicomImage class that can be used to re-size existing images on the fly.

The steps to perform Resize are as simple as below:

  1. Load in image using the constructor of the DicomImage class.
  2. Call the DicomImage.Resize method while specifying new Height & Width.
  3. Save the results.

Simple Resizing

The following code example demonstrates how to Resize an image.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "SimpleResizing_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
image.resize(200, 200);, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Other Image Resizing Options

Aspose.Imaging API has exposed ResizeHeightProportionally and ResizeWidthProportionally methods of the DicomImage class that can be used to re-size the DICOM images. These methods take in an integer as first argument and ResizeType enumeration to achieve desired results.

Below provided code snippet demonstrates the usage of these methods.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "ResizeHeightProportionally_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
image.resizeHeightProportionally(100, ResizeType.AdaptiveResample);, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "ResizeWidthProportionally_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
image.resizeWidthProportionally(150, ResizeType.AdaptiveResample);, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Rotate and Flip DICOM Image

Aspose.Imaging for Java has provided Rotate and RotateFlip methods of DicomImage class to rotate/flip a DICOM image.

Rotating an Image

The DicomImage.Rotate method can be used to rotate the image. The Rotate method take an integer parameter as degrees to rotate. DicomImage.RotateFlip method accepts a parameter of RotateFlipType that specifies the type of rotation and flip to apply to the image.

The steps to perform Rotate & Flip are as simple as below:

  1. Load in image using the DicomImage class constructor.
  2. Call the DicomImage.RotateFlip or DicomImage.Rotate method while specifying the appropriate parameter.
  3. Save the results.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = dataDir + "RotateDICOMImage_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
image.rotate(10);, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Fliping an Image

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(FlipDICOMImage.class) + "dicom/";
String inputFile = dataDir + "image.dcm";
String outputFile = "FlipDICOMImage_out.bmp";
File file = new File(inputFile);
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
// Load a DICOM image in an instance of DicomImage
com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage image = new com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage(fis);
image.rotateFlip(com.aspose.imaging.RotateFlipType.Rotate180FlipNone);, new com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.BmpOptions());

Export to DICOM

Aspose.Imaging supports export from various raster file formats including multi-paged to DICOM. Below there are some examples related to this.

//DICOM file format
//Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine is the standard for the communication and management of medical imaging information. DICOM is most commonly used for storing and transmitting //medical images in medical devices such as scanners, servers, printers and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). DICOM is used worldwide to store, exchange, and transmit //medical images.
//Various programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux can view DICOM files. DICOM uses the .DCM extension. These images can also be viewed online through certain web browsers. It is only //compatible using Chrome, Opera, Firefox, and Internet Explorer with the Google Chrome Frame extension installed.
//Why to use DICOM?
//DICOM provides a well-tested and widely accepted foundation for Medical Image Management. The advantages of using DICOM:
//Makes medical imaging information interoperable.
//Integrates image-acquisition devices, PACS, workstations, VNAs and printers from different manufacturers.
//Is actively developed and maintained to meet the evolving technologies and needs of medical imaging.
//Is free to download and use.
//Convert JPEG to DICOM
//The next code sample converts JPEG image to DICOM file format:
try (Image image = Image.load("sample.jpg"))
{"sample.dcm", new DicomOptions());
//Image modifications
//You can use methods of the Image class to modify source image before export. For instance, you can resize and rotate the image:
try (Image image = Image.load("sample.jpg"))
image.resize(300, 300);
image.rotateFlip(RotateFlipType.Rotate90FlipY);"sample.dcm", new DicomOptions());
//Convert multipage images to DICOM
//DICOM format supports multipage images. You can convert GIF or TIFF images to DICOM in the same way as JPEG images:
try (Image image = Image.load("animation.gif"))
{"animation.dcm", new DicomOptions());
//Export all DICOM pages to JPEG
//In case if you need to extract all the pages from DICOM file you can use the next code. It creates separate JPEG file for each DICOM page:
try (DicomImage image = (DicomImage)Image.load("animation.dcm"))
Image[] pages = image.getPages();
for (int index = 0; index < pages.length; index++)
Image page = pages[index];"Page "+ index +".jpeg", new JpegOptions());

Support of Jpeg, Jpeg2000 and RLE compression methods in Dicom

Dicom format can be compressed using Jpeg, Jpeg2000 and RLE compressions.

What is a DICOM Image File?

The DICOM standard is useful for integrating all modern imaging equipments, accessories, networking servers, workstations and printers. Because of its ease of integration and continuous evolution this communication standard has over the years achieved a nearly universal level of acceptance among vendors of radiological equipment.

A DICOM image file is an outcome of the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine standard. Specifically, image files that are compliant with part 10 of the DICOM standard are generally referred to as “DICOM format files” or simply “DICOM files” and are represented as “.dcm”.

DICOM compression settings

The property DicomOptions.Compression allows you to specify compression settings. For instance, CompressionType enumeration allows you to select compression algorithm: None, Jpeg, Jpeg2000 or Rle. The None option corresponds to uncompressed DICOM image. The following code shows how to use DICOM compression settings:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.ColorType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.Compression;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.CompressionType;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
try (Image inputImage = Image.load("original.jpg"))
DicomOptions options = new DicomOptions();
Compression compression = new Compression();
options.setCompression(compression);"original_Uncompressed.dcm", options);

Using JPEG compression in DICOM image

To use JPEG compression algorithm you should specify CompressionType.Jpeg enumeration value in Compression.Type property:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.ColorType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.Compression;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.CompressionType;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
try (Image inputImage = Image.load("original.jpg"))
DicomOptions options = new DicomOptions();
Compression compression = new Compression();
options.setCompression(compression);"original_Jpeg.dcm", options);

You can tune JPEG compression algorithm using Compression.Jpeg property. For instance, you can specify the CompressionType, SampleRoundingMode and Quality:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.ColorType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.Compression;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.CompressionType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.jpeg.JpegCompressionMode;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.jpeg.SampleRoundingMode;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.JpegOptions;
try (Image inputImage = Image.load("original.jpg"))
DicomOptions options = new DicomOptions();
Compression compression = new Compression();
// Tuning
JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
options.setCompression(compression);"original_Jpeg_2.dcm", options);

Using JPEG 2000 compression in DICOM image

To use JPEG 2000 compression you need to use CompressionType.Jpeg2000 enumeration value and Jpeg2000Options class for algorithm settings. The following code demonstrates how to specify JPEG 2000 Codec and Irreversible properties:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.ColorType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.Compression;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.CompressionType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.jpeg2000.Jpeg2000Codec;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.Jpeg2000Options;
try (Image inputImage = Image.load("original.jpg"))
DicomOptions options = new DicomOptions();
Compression compression = new Compression();
// Tuning
Jpeg2000Options jpeg2000Options = new Jpeg2000Options();
options.setCompression(compression);"original_Jpeg2000.dcm", options);

Using RLE compression in DICOM image

For this compression type you need to use CompressionType.Rle enumeration value. The RLE compression algorithm doesn’t have additional settings. The following code shows how you can use RLE compression algorithm in DICOM image:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.ColorType;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.Compression;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.CompressionType;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
try (Image inputImage = Image.load("original.jpg"))
DicomOptions options = new DicomOptions();
Compression compression = new Compression();
options.setCompression(compression);"original_Rle.dcm", options);

How to change Color Type in DICOM compression

The property DicomOptions.ColorType allows you to change color type in DICOM compression. There are several supported color types: Grayscale8Bit, Grayscale16Bit and Rgb24Bit. Use the following code in order to change the color type:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.ColorType;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
try (Image inputImage = Image.load("original.jpg"))
DicomOptions options = new DicomOptions();
options.setColorType(ColorType.Grayscale8Bit);"original_8bit.dcm", options);

Memory strategy optimization

The memory optimization strategy is now supported for Dicom images.

Here are some examples of its use:

// Example 1. Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for operations on the created Dicom image
try (DicomOptions imageOptions = new DicomOptions())
imageOptions.setSource(new FileCreateSource("created.dcm", false));
try (Image image = Image.create(imageOptions, 1000, 1000))
// Do something with the created image
// ...;
// Example 2. Setting a memory limit of 20 megabytes for operations on the loaded Dicom image
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
try (Image image = Image.load("image.dcm", loadOptions))
// Do something with the loaded image
// Example 3. Settings a memory limit of 30 mebagytes for export-to-dicom operation
LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions();
try (Image image = Image.load("image.png", loadOptions))
{"exported.dcm", new DicomOptions());

Add xmp tags to dicom image

Using Aspose.Imaging you can easily add xmp tags to dicom image.

Here is example of usage:

import com.aspose.imaging.Image;
import com.aspose.imaging.fileformats.dicom.DicomImage;
import com.aspose.imaging.imageoptions.DicomOptions;
import com.aspose.imaging.xmp.XmpPacketWrapper;
import com.aspose.imaging.xmp.schemas.dicom.DicomPackage;
//Folder that contains set of test template files for all formats
String templatesFolder = "c:\\templates\\";
//Folder that contains output files
String outputDir = "c:\\output\\";
addXmpTagsToDicomFile(templatesFolder, outputDir);
void addXmpTagsToDicomFile(String dataDir, String outputDir)
try (DicomImage image = (DicomImage) Image.load(dataDir + "template.dicom"))
XmpPacketWrapper xmpPacketWrapper = new XmpPacketWrapper();
DicomPackage dicomPackage = new DicomPackage();
dicomPackage.setEquipmentInstitution("Test Institution");
dicomPackage.setEquipmentManufacturer("Test Manufacturer");
dicomPackage.setPatientName("Test Name");
dicomPackage.setSeriesDescription("Test Series Description");
dicomPackage.setSeriesModality("Test Modality");
dicomPackage.setStudyDescription("Test Study Description");
dicomPackage.setStudyPhysician("Test Physician");
String outputFile = outputDir + "output.dcm";, new DicomOptions()