Public API Changes in Aspose.Imaging 2.6.0

Added Classes, Enumerations and Methods

Classes VectorRasterizationOptions & CadRasterizationOptions Added

The new classes VectorRasterizationOptions and CadRasterizationOptions has been added to the Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions in order to facilitate the user with CAD to vector & CAD to raster conversion. Moreover, some members of the PdfOptions class has been moved to the aforesaid classes.

With these changes in place, the CAD to PDF conversion can now be achieved as follow.


 string sourceFilePath = myDir + "office.dwg";

using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(sourceFilePath))


    //Create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions and set its various properties

    Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.CadRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.CadRasterizationOptions();

    rasterizationOptions.BackgroundColor = Aspose.Imaging.Color.White;

    rasterizationOptions.PageWidth = 1600;

    rasterizationOptions.PageHeight = 1600;

    rasterizationOptions.DrawType = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor;

    rasterizationOptions.Layers = new List<string> { "layer1" };

    rasterizationOptions.LayoutName = "layout1";

    //Create an instance of PdfOptions

    Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PdfOptions pdfOptions = new Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PdfOptions();

    //Set the VectorRasterizationOptions property

    pdfOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions;

    //Export the DWG to PDF

    image.Save(myDir + "result.pdf", pdfOptions);


Visual Basic

 Dim sourceFilePath As String = myDir & "office.dwg"

Using image As Aspose.Imaging.Image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(sourceFilePath)

	'Create an instance of CadRasterizationOptions and set its various properties

	Dim rasterizationOptions As New Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.CadRasterizationOptions()

	rasterizationOptions.BackgroundColor = Aspose.Imaging.Color.White

	rasterizationOptions.PageWidth = 1600

	rasterizationOptions.PageHeight = 1600

	rasterizationOptions.DrawType = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadDrawTypeMode.UseObjectColor

	rasterizationOptions.Layers = New List(Of String) (New String() {"layer1"})

	rasterizationOptions.LayoutName = "layout1"

	'Create an instance of PdfOptions

	Dim pdfOptions As New Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.PdfOptions()

	'Set the VectorRasterizationOptions property

	pdfOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions

	'Export the DWG to PDF

	image.Save(myDir & "result.pdf", pdfOptions)

End Using

Support for Binary DXF Format Added

In order to provide the support for Binary DXF file format, Aspose.Imaging for .NET 2.6.0 has added the following classes & enumerations to the public API.

  1. Class Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadBinaryCodeValue
  2. Class Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadConsts.DxfFileFormat
  3. Class Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadParameters.CadBinaryParameter
  4. Enum Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadConsts.CadGroupCodeTypes

Methods ResizeWidthProportionally & ResizeHeightProportionally Added

The Aspose.Imaging.Image class has now exposed the ResizeWidthProportionally and ResizeHeightProportionally with the release of Aspose.Imaging 2.6.0 to assist with the re-sizing operation while keeping the aspect ratio. The aforesaid methods requires only one parameter (either Height or Width) and automatically calculates the other value.

Methods GetProportionalWidth & GetProportionalHeight Added

The class Aspose.Imaging.Image has exposed GetProportionalWidth & GetProportionalHeight methods to calculate proportional width or height.


 int newHeight = Image.GetProportionalHeight(150, 120, 100);  // 80

int newWIdth = Image.GetProportionalWidth(150, 120, 60);  // 75

Visual Basic

 Dim newHeight As Integer = Image.GetProportionalHeight(150, 120, 100) ' 80

Dim newWIdth As Integer = Image.GetProportionalWidth(150, 120, 60) ' 75

Renamed Properties, Enumerations and Parameters

Enumeration CadIntegralParamType Renamed to CadIntegralParameterType

Use new CadIntegralParameterType definition as follow.


 CadBinaryCodeValue binaryCode = new CadBinaryCodeValue(CadIntegralParameterType.Boolean, this.code, this.buffer, dataSize);

Visual Basic

 Dim binaryCode As New CadBinaryCodeValue(CadIntegralParameterType.Boolean, Me.code, Me.buffer, dataSize)

Property CadParameter.Setted Renamed to CadParameter.IsSet

The Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadParameters.CadParameter.Setted property has been renamed to Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Cad.CadParameters.CadParameter.IsSet for better understanding.




  // Scale check


Visual Basic

 If Me.scaleX.IsSet Then

  ' Scale check

End If

Parameter Changed from System.IO.SeekOrigin to Aspose.Imaging.SeekOrigin

Since v2.6.0 of Aspose.Imaging for .NET, the StreamContainer.Seek parameter changed from System.IO.SeekOrigin to Aspose.Imaging.SeekOrigin.


 streamContainer.Seek(14, Aspose.Imaging.SeekOrigin.Begin);

Visual Basic

 streamContainer.Seek(14, Aspose.Imaging.SeekOrigin.Begin)