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Aspose.Note for Java 16.11.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Note for Java is a class library that enables applications to interact with Microsoft Office OneNote programmatically without it being installed on the server. It is a pure alternate for the Microsoft OneNote Object Model and provides better performance and ease of use for managing OneNote documents.

Visit the documentation to learn how to Getting Started.

Features and Improvements

NOTEJAVA-35Support for creation of password protected MS OneNote documents.New Feature
NOTEJAVA-109Provide support of password protected documents (reading and writing ) as a part of .onetoc2 notebook.Enhancement
NOTEJAVA-205Notebook: Provide option to load file from Stream.Enhancement
NOTEJAVA-206Provide option to save Notebook to stream.Enhancement
NOTEJAVA-40Add background color property for table cells.Enhancement
NOTENET-2143Exception while loading OneNote Online file provided by user.Bug
NOTENET-2145Failed to open OneNote document.Bug
NOTENET-2156Broken pictures while opening documents that were password protected with MS OneNote.Bug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following public methods and properties were added.

New Methods and ProperitesDescription
com.aspose.note.INotebookChildNode.getGuid Gets the object’s globally unique id. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.getGuid Gets the object’s globally unique id. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions.getDeferredLoading Gets a value indicating whether children documents should be loaded explicitly later. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions.setDeferredLoading(boolean) Sets a value indicating whether children documents should be loaded explicitly later. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookSaveOptions.getDeferredSaving Gets a value indicating whether children documents should be saved explicitly. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookSaveOptions.setDeferredSaving(boolean) Sets a value indicating whether children documents should be saved explicitly. 
com.aspose.note.OneSaveOptions.getDocumentPassword Gets a password to encrypt the document content. 
com.aspose.note.OneSaveOptions.setDocumentPassword(java.lang.String) Sets a password to encrypt the document content. 
com.aspose.note.TableCell.getBackgroundColor Gets the background color. 
com.aspose.note.TableCell.setBackgroundColor(java.awt.Color) Sets the background color. Saves the OneNote document to a stream. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.#ctor( Initializes a new instance of the Notebook class. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a stream. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.#ctor(,com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions) Initializes a new instance of the Notebook class. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a stream. Allows to specify additional loading options. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildDocument(java.lang.String) Adds a child document node. Opens an existing OneNote document from a file. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildDocument(java.lang.String,com.aspose.note.LoadOptions) Adds a child document node. Opens an existing OneNote document from a file. Allows to specify additional load options. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildDocument( Adds a child document node. Opens an existing OneNote document from a stream. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildDocument(,com.aspose.note.LoadOptions) Adds a child document node. Opens an existing OneNote document from a stream. Allows to specify additional load options. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildNotebook(java.lang.String) Adds a child notebook node. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a file. 
Acom.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildNotebook(java.lang.String,com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions) Adds a child notebook node. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a file. Allows to specify additional load options. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildNotebook( Adds a child notebook node. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a stream. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.loadChildNotebook(,com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions) Adds a child notebook node. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a stream. Allows to specify additional load options. Saves the OneNote document to a stream.,int/SaveFormat/) Saves the OneNote document to a stream in the specified format.,com.aspose.note.NotebookSaveOptions) Saves the OneNote document to a file using the specified save options. 