Finding line bounding boxes

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Aspose.OCR for Python via .NET can automatically find the coordinates of image regions containing text lines. This can be useful for highlighting detected areas when previewing an image.

To get bounding boxes of all lines in images, provided in OcrInput object, use detect_rectangles() method. Specify AreasType.LINES as the areas_type parameter of the method.

Line detection works differently depending on the detect_areas parameter of the method:

detect_areas Behavior
true The OCR engine tries to break the content into paragraphs and then extracts lines from the found paragraphs. Best suited for multi-column texts - adjacent lines in different columns will be treated as separate lines rather than a single line.
false The OCR engine ignores the columns and combines adjacent lines from different columns into a single line. This can be useful when concatenating text from table rows.

The method returns a list of RectangleOutput objects containing coordinates of each line in each image.

Property Description
rectangles Coordinates of each line of an image (top-left corner, width and height), returned as a list of Rectangle objects.
image_index Sequence number of the image on the page. When working with single-page images, this value is always 0.
page Page number. When working with single-page images, this value is always 0.
source The full path or URL of the source file. If the file is provided as a stream, an array of pixels, or a Base64 string, this value will be empty.


The following code example shows how to detect lines in multiple images:

# Instantiate Aspose.OCR API
api = AsposeOcr()
# Add image to the recognition batch
input = OcrInput(InputType.SINGLE_IMAGE)
# Detect lines
results = api.detect_rectangles(input, AreasType.LINES, true)
for region in results[0].rectangles:
    print( + ", " + region.left + ", " + region.width + ", " + region.height)