Aspose.OMR for .NET 21.11 Release Notes

All Changes

#OMRNET-258Add align field to Text ElementNew Feature
#OMRNET-267Add Empty line ElementNew Feature
#OMRNET-274Add template generation from .json fileNew Feature
#OMRNET-286Add bubble size to Grid ElementNew Feature

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Added APIs:

MethodAspose.OMR.Api.OmrEngine.GenerateJSONTemplate(System.String, Aspose.OMR.Generation.GlobalPageSettings)Generate template from JSON
MethodAspose.OMR.Api.OmrEngine.GenerateTemplate(Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.TemplateConfig,Aspose.OMR.Generation.GlobalPageSettings)Generate template from Object

Updated APIs:

No Changes

Removed APIs:

No Changes

Example of setting parameters for Grid element from Object

using System;
using System.IO;
using Aspose.OMR;
using Aspose.OMR.Api;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Elements;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Elements.Parents;
using Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Enums;

namespace ProgramOMR
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Create license

        // Generate method

    private static void SetLicense()
        // Set license
        License lic = new License();

    public static void Generate()
        // Get TemplateConfig for generate template
        var config = GetGridConfig();

        OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();

        GlobalPageSettings settings = new GlobalPageSettings
            PaperSize = PaperSize.Letter

        GenerationResult result = engine.GenerateTemplate(config, settings);
        result.Save(@"D:\ProgramOMR\Results", "letter");

    public static TemplateConfig GetGridConfig()
            return new TemplateConfig()
                Children = new List<BaseConfig>()
                            new TextConfig()
                                Name = "Name__________________________________ Date____________",
                                FontStyle = Aspose.OMR.Generation.FontStyle.Italic
                            new EmptyLineConfig()
                                Height = 102.502419f
                            new ContainerConfig()
                                Name = "Grid",
                                ColumnsCount = 3,
                                Children = new List<BaseConfig>()
                                    new GridConfig()
                                        Name = "ID1",
                                        Column = 1,
                                        HeaderType = Aspose.OMR.Generation.Config.Enums.GridHeaderTypeEnum.Square,
                                        BubbleSize = BubbleSize.Extrasmall,
                                        SectionsCount = 3,
                                        OptionsCount = 5
                                    new GridConfig()
                                        Name = "ID2",
                                        Column = 1,
                                        HeaderType = GridHeaderTypeEnum.Square,
                                        BubbleSize = BubbleSize.Small,
                                        SectionsCount = 2,
                                        OptionsCount = 4
                                    new GridConfig()
                                        Name = "ID3",
                                        Column = 2,
                                        HeaderType = GridHeaderTypeEnum.Square,
                                        BubbleSize = BubbleSize.Normal,
                                        SectionsCount = 2,
                                        OptionsCount = 10
                                    new GridConfig()
                                        Name = "ID4",
                                        Column = 3,
                                        HeaderType = GridHeaderTypeEnum.Square,
                                        BubbleSize = BubbleSize.Large,
                                        SectionsCount = 2,
                                        OptionsCount =7
                                    new GridConfig()
                                        Name = "ID5",
                                        Column = 3,
                                        HeaderType = GridHeaderTypeEnum.Square,
                                        BubbleSize = BubbleSize.Extralarge,
                                        SectionsCount = 2,
                                        OptionsCount = 8
                            new TextConfig()
                                Name = "Sign________________________________",
                                FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold


Example of setting parameters for Answer Sheet in a JSON file

	"type" : "template",
	"children" : [{
		"children": [
			"name": "Header text",
			"type": "text",
			"font_style" : "bold",
			"font_size": 16,
			"align" : "center"
			"type": "emptyLine",
			"type": "text",
			"name" : "right column text",
			"font_style": "italic",
			"align": "right",
			"type": "text",
			"name" : "second line of column text",
			"font_style" : "italic",
			"align": "right",