Working with Gradient | C++ API Solution

Add Gradient in XPS Document

Add Horizontal Gradient

Aspose.Page for C++ lets you add horizontal gradient to an XPS document. The XpsGrandientBrush class is used to specify the XpsGradientStop and XpsPath information to the XpsDocument object which represents the XPS file. The following C++ code shows how to add horizontal gradient information to a document.

  1. Create an object of XpsDocument class
  2. Add XpsPath to the XPS document
  3. Set the rendering information
  4. Use CreateLinearGradientBrush of XPS document to create gradient brush. Then set this brush to filling
  5. Use set_GradientStops to set XpsGradientStop’s for the brush
  6. Save the document
 1For complete examples and data files, please go to
 2// Create new XPS Document
 3auto doc = System::MakeObject<XpsDocument>();
 4// Initialize List of XpsGradentStop
 5System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<XpsGradientStop>>> stops = System::MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<XpsGradientStop>>>();
 6stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 244, 253, 225), 0.0673828f));
 7stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 251, 240, 23), 0.314453f));
 8stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 252, 209, 0), 0.482422f));
 9stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 241, 254, 161), 0.634766f));
10stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 53, 253, 255), 0.915039f));
11stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 12, 91, 248), 1.f));
12// Create new path by defining geometery in abbreviation form
13System::SharedPtr<XpsPath> path = doc->AddPath(doc->CreatePathGeometry(u"M 10,210 L 228,210 228,300 10,300"));
14path->set_RenderTransform(doc->CreateMatrix(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 20.f, 70.f));
15path->set_Fill(doc->CreateLinearGradientBrush(System::Drawing::PointF(10.f, 0.f), System::Drawing::PointF(228.f, 0.f)));
17// Save resultant XPS document
18doc->Save(outDir() + u"AddHorizontalGradient_out.xps");

Add Vertical Gradient

Just as you can add the Horizontal gradient, you can use Aspose.Page for C++ to add vertical gradient information to the XPS document. The following C++ code sample shows how to add a verticle gradient to an XPS document.

 1For complete examples and data files, please go to
 2// Create new XPS Document
 3auto doc = System::MakeObject<XpsDocument>();
 4// Initialize List of XpsGradentStop
 5auto stops = System::MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<XpsGradientStop>>>();
 6stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(253, 255, 12, 0), 0.f));
 7stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(252, 255, 154, 0), 0.359375f));
 8stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(252, 255, 56, 0), 0.424805f));
 9stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(253, 255, 229, 0), 0.879883f));
10stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(252, 255, 255, 234), 1.f));
11// Create new path by defining geometery in abbreviation form
12System::SharedPtr<XpsPath> path = doc->AddPath(doc->CreatePathGeometry(u"M 10,110 L 228,110 228,200 10,200"));
13path->set_RenderTransform(doc->CreateMatrix(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 20.f, 70.f));
14path->set_Fill(doc->CreateLinearGradientBrush(System::Drawing::PointF(10.f, 110.f), System::Drawing::PointF(10.f, 200.f)));
16// Save resultant XPS document
17doc->Save(outDir() + u"AddVerticalGradient_out.xps");

Add Linear Gradient

You can also add linear gradient to an XPS document using Aspose.Page for C++ as shown in the following code sample.

 1For complete examples and data files, please go to
 2// Create new XPS Document
 3auto doc = System::MakeObject<XpsDocument>();
 4// Initialize List of XpsGradentStop
 5System::SharedPtr<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<XpsGradientStop>>> stops = System::MakeObject<System::Collections::Generic::List<System::SharedPtr<XpsGradientStop>>>();
 6// Add Colors to Gradient
 7stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(0, 142, 4), 0.f));
 8stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 202, 0), 0.144531f));
 9stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 250, 0), 0.264648f));
10stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(255, 0, 0), 0.414063f));
11stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(233, 0, 255), 0.544922f));
12stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(107, 27, 190), 0.694336f));
13stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(63, 0, 255), 0.844727f));
14stops->Add(doc->CreateGradientStop(doc->CreateColor(0, 199, 80), 1.f));
15// Create new path by defining geometery in abbreviation form
16System::SharedPtr<XpsPath> path = doc->AddPath(doc->CreatePathGeometry(u"M 10,10 L 228,10 228,100 10,100"));
17path->set_RenderTransform(doc->CreateMatrix(1.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 20.f, 70.f));
18path->set_Fill(doc->CreateLinearGradientBrush(System::Drawing::PointF(10.f, 10.f), System::Drawing::PointF(228.f, 100.f)));
20// Save resultant XPS document
21doc->Save(outDir() + u"AddLinearGradient_out.xps");

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