Disable Files Compression when Adding as Embedded Resources

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The FileSpecification class allows developers to add attachments to PDF documents. By default, attachments are compressed. We have updated the API to allow developers to disable compression when adding files as embedded resource. This gives developers more control over how files are processed.

To allow developers to control file compression the setEncoding(..) method has been added to the FileSpecification class. This property determines which encoding will be used for file compression. The method accepts a value from the FileEncoding enumerator. The possible values are FileEncoding.None and FileEncoding.Zip.

If Encoding is set to FileEncoding.None, then attachment is not compressed. The default encoding is FileEncoding.Zip.

The following code snippet shows how to add an attachment to a PDF document.

    public static void DisableFilesCompressionWhenAddingAsEmbeddedResources() throws IOException{
  // get reference of source/input file
  java.nio.file.Path path = java.nio.file.Paths.get(_dataDir+"input.pdf");
  // read all the contents from source file into ByteArray
  byte[] data = java.nio.file.Files.readAllBytes(path);
  // create an instance of Stream object from ByteArray contents
  InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
  // Instantiate Document object from stream instance
  Document pdfDocument = new Document(is);
  // setup new file to be added as attachment
  FileSpecification fileSpecification = new FileSpecification("test.txt", "Sample text file");
  // Specify Encoding property setting it to FileEncoding.None
  // add attachment to document's attachment collection
  // save new output