Force Table Rendering on New Page
Render Table on New Page
By default, paragraphs are added to a Page object’s Paragraphs collection. However, it is possible to render a table on a new page instead of directly after the previously added paragraph level object on the page.
Adding a Table
To render table on a new page, use the IsInNewPage method in the BaseParagraph class. The following code snippet shows how.
public static void RenderTableOnNewPage(){
Document doc = new Document();
PageInfo pageInfo = doc.getPageInfo();
MarginInfo marginInfo = pageInfo.getMargin();
marginInfo.setLeft (37);
marginInfo.setRight (37);
marginInfo.setTop (37);
marginInfo.setBottom (37);
Table table = new Table();
table.setColumnWidths ("50 100");
// Added page.
Page curPage = doc.getPages().add();
for (int i = 1; i <= 120; i++)
Row row = table.getRows().add();
row.setFixedRowHeight (15);
Cell cell1 = row.getCells().add();
cell1.getParagraphs().add(new TextFragment("Content 1"));
Cell cell2 = row.getCells().add();
cell2.getParagraphs().add(new TextFragment("HHHHH"));
Paragraphs paragraphs = curPage.getParagraphs();
Table table1 = new Table();
table.setColumnWidths ("100 100");
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
Row row = table1.getRows().add();
Cell cell1 = row.getCells().add();
cell1.getParagraphs().add(new TextFragment("LAAAAAAA"));
Cell cell2 = row.getCells().add();
cell2.getParagraphs().add(new TextFragment("LAAGGGGGG"));
table1.setInNewPage (true);
// I want to keep table 1 to next page please...
paragraphs.add(table1); + "IsNewPageProperty_Test_out.pdf");
The com.aspose.pdf.Table class provides makes it possible to create/render tables in PDF documents. A similar feature is also supported by the aspose.pdf.Table class but we encourage our customers to try using the latest Document Object Model (DOM) of the com.aspose.pdf package, because all the new features and issue resolution is being performed in new DOM. However, the legacy Aspose.PDF for Java (the aspose.pdf package) has a method isInNewPage(..) in the paragraph class, so that the paragraph is rendered on a new page. For backward compatibility, the isInNewPage(..) method has been added to the BaseParagraph class.