Catatan Rilis Aspose.PSD untuk .NET 21.6

Kunci Ringkasan Kategori
PSDNET-546 Сlipping mask for a group does not render correctly Kesalahan
PSDNET-547 Regular or vector mask for a layer group is ignored on rendering Kesalahan
PSDNET-647 PSD image with disabled vector layer masks on saving enables vector masks Kesalahan
PSDNET-786 Exception when creating a TextLayer with text longer than 255 characters Kesalahan
PSDNET-900 Text of the Text layer can not be rendered on Linux Peningkatan

Perubahan API Publik

API Ditambahkan:

  • None

API Dihapus:

  • None

Contoh Penggunaan:

PSDNET-546. Сlipping mask for a group does not render correctly

            string sourceFileName = "AppleClip.psd";
            string outputFileName = "result.png";

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
                image.Save(outputFileName, new PngOptions());

PSDNET-547. Regular or vector mask for a layer group is ignored on rendering

        string sourceFileName = "Stripes3Mask.psd";
        string outputFileName = "OutputStripes3Mask.png";
        using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))
            image.Save(outputFileName, new PngOptions());

PSDNET-647. PSD image with disabled vector layer masks on saving enables vector masks

            string sourceFileName = "FourWithMasksVd.psd";
            string outputFileName = "FourWithMasksVdOutput.psd";

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))

PSDNET-786. Exception when creating a TextLayer with text longer than 255 characters

            string output = "output.psd";

            using (var image = new PsdImage(100, 100))
                string text = new string('a', 256);
                image.AddTextLayer(text, Rectangle.Empty);
