将 PSD 图像转换为光栅格式

将 PSD 图像导出为各种光栅文件格式

下面提供的示例代码演示了如何将 PSD 转换为几种光栅文件格式。

String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(PSDToRasterImageFormats.class) + "Conversion/";
String srcPath = dataDir + "sample.psd";
String destName = dataDir + "export";
// Load an existing PSD image as Image
try (Image image = Image.load(srcPath)) {
// Create an instance of PngOptions class
PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();
// Create an instance of BmpOptions class
BmpOptions bmpOptions = new BmpOptions();
// Create an instance of GifOptions class
GifOptions gifOptions = new GifOptions();
// Create an instance of JpegOptions class
JpegOptions jpegOptions = new JpegOptions();
// Create an instance of Jpeg2000Options class
Jpeg2000Options jpeg2000Options = new Jpeg2000Options();
// Call the save method, provide output path and export options to convert PSD file to various raster file formats.
image.save(destName + ".png", pngOptions);
image.save(destName + ".bmp", bmpOptions);
image.save(destName + ".gif", gifOptions);
image.save(destName + ".jpeg", jpegOptions);
image.save(destName + ".jp2", jpeg2000Options);