有时您可能需要将彩色图像转换为黑白或灰度,以便进行打印或存档。本文演示了如何使用 Aspose.PSD for .NET API 使用以下两种方法实现此目的。
- 二值化
- 灰度化
为了理解二值化的概念,重要的是定义二进制图像;即每个像素只能有两个可能值的数字图像。通常,用于二进制图像的两种颜色是黑色和白色,尽管可以使用任意两种颜色。二值化是将图像转换为双级别的过程,意味着每个像素都存储为一个比特(0或1),其中0表示无颜色,1表示有颜色。Aspose.PSD for .NET API 目前支持两种二值化方法。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
string sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd"; | |
string destName = dataDir + @"BinarizationWithFixedThreshold_out.jpg"; | |
// Load an image | |
using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFile)) | |
{ | |
// Cast the image to RasterCachedImage and Check if image is cached | |
RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image; | |
if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached) | |
{ | |
// Cache image if not already cached | |
rasterCachedImage.CacheData(); | |
} | |
// Binarize image with predefined fixed threshold and Save the resultant image | |
rasterCachedImage.BinarizeFixed(100); | |
rasterCachedImage.Save(destName, new JpegOptions()); | |
} |
使用 Otsu 阈值进行二值化
以下代码片段显示了如何将 Otsu 阈值二值化应用于图像。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
string sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd"; | |
string destName = dataDir + @"BinarizationWithOtsuThreshold_out.jpg"; | |
// Load an image | |
using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFile)) | |
{ | |
// Cast the image to RasterCachedImage and Check if image is cached | |
RasterCachedImage rasterCachedImage = (RasterCachedImage)image; | |
if (!rasterCachedImage.IsCached) | |
{ | |
// Cache image if not already cached | |
rasterCachedImage.CacheData(); | |
} | |
// Binarize image with Otsu Thresholding and Save the resultant image | |
rasterCachedImage.BinarizeOtsu(); | |
rasterCachedImage.Save(destName, new JpegOptions()); | |
} |
将 GIF 图像图层转换为 TIFF 图像
有时需要将 PSD 图像的图层提取并转换为另一种光栅图像格式以满足应用程序需求。Aspose.PSD API 支持将 PSD 图像的图层提取并转换为另一种光栅图像格式的功能。首先,我们将创建一个图像实例并从本地磁盘加载 PSD 图像,然后我们将迭代图层中的每个图层。然后我们将将块转换为 TIFF 图像。以下代码片段显示了如何将 PSD 图像图层转换为 TIFF 图像。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
string sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd"; | |
string destName = dataDir + @"output"; | |
// Load a PSD image and Convert the image's layers to Tiff images. | |
using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFile)) | |
{ | |
// Iterate through array of PSD layers | |
for (int i = 0; i < image.Layers.Length; i++) | |
{ | |
// Get PSD layer. | |
Layer layer = image.Layers[i]; | |
// Create an instance of TIFF Option class and Save the PSD layer as TIFF image | |
TiffOptions objTiff = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb); | |
layer.Save("output" + i + "_out.tif", objTiff); | |
} | |
} |
使用 Aspose.PSD for .NET,开发人员可以将 CMYK PSD 文件转换为 CMYK tiff 格式。本文展示了如何使用 Aspose.PSD 将 CMYK PSD 文件导出/转换为 CMYK tiff 格式。使用 Aspose.PSD for .NET 您可以加载 PSD 图像,然后可以使用 TiffOptions 类设置各种属性,然后保存或导出该图像。以下代码片段显示了如何实现此功能。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
string sourceFile = dataDir + @"sample.psd"; | |
string destName = dataDir + @"output.tiff"; | |
using (Image image = Image.Load(sourceFile)) | |
{ | |
image.Save(destName, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk)); | |
} |
除了丰富的图像处理例程之外,Aspose.PSD 还提供了专门的类来将 PSD 文件格式转换为其他格式。使用此库,PSD 图像转换非常简单和直观。以下是 ImageOptions 命名空间中用于此目的的一些专用类。
使用 Aspose.PSD for .NET API 可以轻松导出 PSD 图像。您只需要从 ImageOptions 命名空间中选择适当类的对象即可。通过使用这些类,您可以轻松地将在 Aspose.PSD for .NET 中创建、编辑或加载的任何图像导出到任何支持的格式。
此示例使用 Graphics 类,演示了如何将两个或更多图像合并为单个完整图像。为了演示该操作,示例创建了一个新的 PsdImage,并使用 Graphics 类公开的 Draw Image 方法在画布表面上绘制图像。使用 Graphics 类,可以组合两个或更多图像,以便生成的图像看起来是完整图像,图像部分之间没有空白和页面。画布大小必须等于生成图像的大小。以下是演示如何使用 Graphics 类的 DrawImage 方法将图像组合成单个图像的代码演示。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
// Create an instance of PsdOptions and set its various properties | |
PsdOptions imageOptions = new PsdOptions(); | |
// Create an instance of FileCreateSource and assign it to Source property | |
imageOptions.Source = new FileCreateSource(dataDir + "Two_images_result_out.psd", false); | |
// Create an instance of Image and define canvas size | |
using (var image = Image.Create(imageOptions, 600, 600)) | |
{ | |
// Create and initialize an instance of Graphics, Clear the image surface with white color and Draw Image | |
var graphics = new Graphics(image); | |
graphics.Clear(Color.White); | |
graphics.DrawImage(Image.Load(dataDir + "example1.psd"), 0, 0, 300, 600); | |
graphics.DrawImage(Image.Load(dataDir + "example2.psd"), 300, 0, 300, 600); | |
image.Save(); | |
} |
Aspose.PSD API 允许您在图像转换过程中扩展或裁剪图像。开发人员需要创建一个具有 X 和 Y 坐标的矩形,并指定矩形框的宽度和高度。矩形的 X、Y 和宽度、高度将描述已加载图像的扩展或裁剪。如果在图像转换期间需要扩展或裁剪图像,请执行以下步骤:
- 创建 RasterImage 类的实例并加载现有图像。
- 创建 ImageOption 类的实例。
- 创建 Rectangle 类的实例,并初始化矩形的 X、Y 和宽度、高度。
- 在调用 RasterImage 类的 Save 方法时,传递输出文件名、图像选项和矩形对象作为参数。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
string sourceFile = dataDir + @"example1.psd"; | |
string destName = dataDir + @"jpeg_out.jpg"; | |
// Load an image in an instance of Image and Setting for image data to be cashed | |
using (RasterImage rasterImage = (RasterImage)Image.Load(sourceFile)) | |
{ | |
rasterImage.CacheData(); | |
// Create an instance of Rectangle class and define X,Y and Width, height of the rectangle, and Save output image | |
Rectangle destRect = new Rectangle { X = -200, Y = -200, Width = 300, Height = 300 }; | |
rasterImage.Save(destName, new JpegOptions(), destRect); | |
} |
读取和写入 XMP 数据到图像
XMP(可扩展元数据平台)是 ISO 标准。XMP 标准化了用于定义和处理可扩展元数据的数据模型、序列化格式和核心属性。它还提供了将 XMP 信息嵌入到诸如 JPEG 等流行图像中的指南,而不会破坏那些不支持 XMP 的应用程序的可读性。使用 Aspose.PSD for .NET API,开发人员可以读取或写入 XMP 元数据到图像。本文演示了如何从图像中读取 XMP 元数据并将 XMP 元数据写入图像。
创建 XMP 元数据,写入并从文件读取
通过 Xmp 命名空间,开发人员可以创建 XMP 元数据对象并将其写入图像。以下代码片段显示了如何使用 Xmp 命名空间中包含的 XmpHeaderPi、XmpTrailerPi、XmpMeta、XmpPacketWrapper、PhotoshopPackage 和 DublinCorePackage 包。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
// Specify the size of image by defining a Rectangle | |
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 200); | |
// Create the brand new image just for sample purposes | |
using (var image = new PsdImage(rect.Width, rect.Height)) | |
{ | |
// Create an instance of XMP-Header | |
XmpHeaderPi xmpHeader = new XmpHeaderPi(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); | |
// Create an instance of Xmp-TrailerPi, XMPmeta class to set different attributes | |
XmpTrailerPi xmpTrailer = new XmpTrailerPi(true); | |
XmpMeta xmpMeta = new XmpMeta(); | |
xmpMeta.AddAttribute("Author", "Mr Smith"); | |
xmpMeta.AddAttribute("Description", "The fake metadata value"); | |
// Create an instance of XmpPacketWrapper that contains all metadata | |
XmpPacketWrapper xmpData = new XmpPacketWrapper(xmpHeader, xmpTrailer, xmpMeta); | |
// Create an instacne of Photoshop package and set photoshop attributes | |
PhotoshopPackage photoshopPackage = new PhotoshopPackage(); | |
photoshopPackage.SetCity("London"); | |
photoshopPackage.SetCountry("England"); | |
photoshopPackage.SetColorMode(ColorMode.Rgb); | |
photoshopPackage.SetCreatedDate(DateTime.UtcNow); | |
// Add photoshop package into XMP metadata | |
xmpData.AddPackage(photoshopPackage); | |
// Create an instacne of DublinCore package and set dublinCore attributes | |
DublinCorePackage dublinCorePackage = new DublinCorePackage(); | |
dublinCorePackage.SetAuthor("Mudassir Fayyaz"); | |
dublinCorePackage.SetTitle("Confessions of a Man Insane Enough to Live With the Beasts"); | |
dublinCorePackage.AddValue("dc:movie", "Barfly"); | |
// Add dublinCore Package into XMP metadata | |
xmpData.AddPackage(dublinCorePackage); | |
using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) | |
{ | |
// Update XMP metadata into image and Save image on the disk or in memory stream | |
image.XmpData = xmpData; | |
image.Save(ms); | |
image.Save(dataDir + "ee.psd"); | |
ms.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); | |
// Load the image from memory stream or from disk to read/get the metadata | |
using (var img = (PsdImage)Image.Load(ms)) | |
{ | |
// Getting the XMP metadata | |
XmpPacketWrapper imgXmpData = img.XmpData; | |
foreach (XmpPackage package in imgXmpData.Packages) | |
{ | |
// Use package data ... | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} |
Aspose.PSD for .NET 现在支持在多线程环境中转换图像。Aspose.PSD for .NET 确保在多线程环境中执行代码期间操作的优化性能。Aspose.PSD for .NET 中的所有 image option 类(例如 BmpOptions、TiffOptions、JpegOptions 等)都实现了 IDisposable 接口。因此,开发人员必须适当地处理设置 Source 属性的图像选项类对象。以下代码片段演示了所述功能。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
string imageDataPath = dataDir + @"sample.psd"; | |
try | |
{ | |
// Create the stream of the existing image file. | |
using (System.IO.FileStream fileStream = System.IO.File.Create(imageDataPath)) | |
{ | |
// Create an instance of PSD image option class. | |
using (PsdOptions psdOptions = new PsdOptions()) | |
{ | |
// Set the source property of the imaging option class object. | |
psdOptions.Source = new Sources.StreamSource(fileStream); | |
// Following is the sample processing on the image. Un-comment to use it. | |
//using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Create(psdOptions, 10, 10)) | |
//{ | |
// Color[] pixels = new Color[4]; | |
// for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) | |
// { | |
// pixels[i] = Color.FromArgb(40, 30, 20, 10); | |
// } | |
// image.SavePixels(new Rectangle(0, 0, 2, 2), pixels); | |
// image.Save(); | |
//} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
finally | |
{ | |
// Delete the file. This statement is in the final block because in any case this statement should execute to make it sure that resource is properly disposed off. | |
System.IO.File.Delete(imageDataPath); | |
} |
Aspose.PSD 现在在多线程环境中支持 SyncRoot 属性。开发人员可以使用此属性来同步对源流的访问。以下代码片段演示了如何使用 SyncRoot 属性。
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-psd/Aspose.PSD-for-.NET | |
// Create an instance of Memory stream class. | |
using (System.IO.MemoryStream memoryStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()) | |
{ | |
// Create an instance of Stream container class and assign memory stream object. | |
using (StreamContainer streamContainer = new StreamContainer(memoryStream)) | |
{ | |
// check if the access to the stream source is synchronized. | |
lock (streamContainer.SyncRoot) | |
{ | |
// do work | |
// now access to source MemoryStream is synchronized | |
} | |
} | |
} |