Access Slide in Presentation
Aspose.Slides allows you to access slides in two ways: by index and by ID.
Access Slide by Index
All slides in a presentation are arranged numerically based on the slide position starting from 0. The first slide is accessible through index 0; the second slide is accessed through index 1; etc.
The Presentation class, representing a presentation file, exposes all slides as an ISlideCollection collection (collection of ISlide objects). This C++ code shows you how to access a slide through its index:
// The path to the documents directory.
const String templatePath = u"../templates/AddSlides.pptx";
// Instantiates the Presentation class
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Get a slide's reference through its index
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
Access Slide by ID
Each slide in a presentation has a unique ID associated with it. You can use the GetSlideById() method (exposed by the Presentation class) to target that ID. This C++ code shows you how to provide a valid slide ID and access that slide through the GetSlideById() method:
// The path to the documents directory.
const String templatePath = u"../templates/AddSlides.pptx";
// Instantiates the Presentation class
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Gets a slide ID
int id = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_SlideId();
// Accesses the slide through its ID
SharedPtr<IBaseSlide> slide = pres->GetSlideById(id);
Change Slide Position
Aspose.Slides allow you to change a slide position. For example, you can specify that the first slide should become the second slide.
- Create an instance of the Presentation class.
- Get the slide’s reference (whose position you want to change) through its index
- Set a new position for the slide through the set_SlideNumber() property.
- Save the modified presentation.
This C++ code demonstrates an operation in which the slide in position 1 is moved to position 2:
// The path to the documents directory.
const String templatePath = u"../templates/AddSlides.pptx";
const String outPath = u"../out/ChangeSlidePosition.pptx";
// Instantiates the Presentation class
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Gets the slide whose position will be changed
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Sets the new position for the slide
// Saves the modified presentation
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);
The first slide became the second; the second slide became the first. When you change a slide’s position, other slides are automatically adjusted.
Set Slide Number
Using the set_FirstSlideNumber() property (exposed by the Presentation class), you can specify a new number for the first slide in a presentation. This operation causes other slide numbers to be recalculated.
- Create an instance of the Presentation class.
- Get the slide number.
- Set the slide number.
- Save the modified presentation.
This C++ code demonstrates an operation where the first slide number is set to 10:
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/SetSlideNumber_out.pptx";
const String templatePath = u"../templates/AccessSlides.pptx";
//Instantiates the Presentation class
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
// Gets the slide number
int firstSlideNumber = pres->get_FirstSlideNumber();
// Sets the slide number
// Saves the modified presentation
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);
If you prefer to skip the first slide, you can start the numbering from the second slide (and hide the numbering for the first slide) this way:
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
auto layoutSlide = presentation->get_LayoutSlides()->GetByType(SlideLayoutType::Blank);
auto slides = presentation->get_Slides();
// Sets the number for the first presentation slide
// Shows slide numbers for all slides
// Hides the slide number for the first slide
// Saves the modified presentation
presentation->Save(u"output.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);