Convert PowerPoint Slides to Images in C++
Aspose.Slides for C++ enables you to easily convert PowerPoint and OpenDocument presentation slides into various image formats, including BMP, PNG, JPG (JPEG), GIF, and others.
To convert a slide into an image, follow these steps:
- Define the desired conversion settings and select the slides you want to export by using:
- The ITiffOptions interface, or
- The IRenderingOptions interface.
- Generate the slide image by calling the GetImage method.
A Bitmap is an object that allows you to work with images defined by pixel data. You can use an instance of this class to save images in a wide range of formats (BMP, JPG, PNG, etc.).
Convert Slides to Bitmap and Save the Images in PNG
You can convert a slide to a bitmap object and use it directly in your application. Alternatively, you can convert a slide to a bitmap and then save the image in JPEG or any other preferred format.
This C++ code demonstrates how to convert the first slide of a presentation to a bitmap object and then save the image in PNG format:
auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx");
// Convert the first slide in the presentation to a bitmap.
auto image = presentation->get_Slide(0)->GetImage();
// Save the image in the PNG format.
image->Save(u"Slide_0.png", ImageFormat::Png);
Convert Slides to Images with Custom Sizes
You may need to get an image of a certain size. Using an overload from the GetImage, you can convert a slide to an image with specific dimensions (width and height).
This sample code demonstrates how to do this:
Size imageSize(1820, 1040);
auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx");
// Convert the first slide in the presentation to a bitmap with the specified size.
auto image = presentation->get_Slide(0)->GetImage(imageSize);
// Save the image in the JPEG format.
image->Save(u"Slide_0.jpg", ImageFormat::Jpeg);
Convert Slides with Notes and Comments to Images
Some slides may contain notes and comments.
Aspose.Slides provides two interfaces—ITiffOptions and IRenderingOptions—that allow you to control the rendering of presentation slides to images. Both interfaces include the set_SlidesLayoutOptions
method, which enables you to configure the rendering of notes and comments on a slide when converting it to an image.
With the NotesCommentsLayoutingOptions class, you can specify your preferred position for notes and comments in the resulting image.
This C++ code demonstrates how to convert a slide with notes and comments:
float scaleX = 2;
float scaleY = scaleX;
// Load a presentation file.
auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation_with_notes_and_comments.pptx");
auto notesCommentsOptions = MakeObject<NotesCommentsLayoutingOptions>();
notesCommentsOptions->set_NotesPosition(NotesPositions::BottomTruncated); // Set the position of the notes.
notesCommentsOptions->set_CommentsPosition(CommentsPositions::Right); // Set the position of the comments.
notesCommentsOptions->set_CommentsAreaWidth(500); // Set the width of the comments area.
notesCommentsOptions->set_CommentsAreaColor(Color::get_AntiqueWhite()); // Set the color for the comments area.
// Create the rendering options.
auto options = MakeObject<RenderingOptions>();
// Convert the first slide of the presentation to an image.
auto image = presentation->get_Slide(0)->GetImage(options, scaleX, scaleY);
// Save the image in the GIF format.
image->Save(u"Image_with_notes_and_comments_0.gif", ImageFormat::Gif);
In any slide-to-image conversion process, the set_NotesPosition method cannot applyBottomFull
(to specify the position for notes) because a note’s text may be too large, making it unable to fit within the specified image size.
Convert Slides to Images Using TIFF Options
The ITiffOptions interface provides greater control over the resulting TIFF image by allowing you to specify parameters such as size, resolution, color palette, and more.
This C++ code demonstrates a conversion process where TIFF options are used to output a black-and-white image with a 300 DPI resolution and a size of 2160 × 2800:
// Load a presentation file.
auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"sample.pptx");
// Get the first slide from the presentation.
auto slide = presentation->get_Slide(0);
// Configure the settings of the output TIFF image.
auto tiffOptions = MakeObject<TiffOptions>();
tiffOptions->set_ImageSize(Size(2160, 2880)); // Set the image size.
tiffOptions->set_PixelFormat(ImagePixelFormat::Format1bppIndexed); // Set the pixel format (black and white).
tiffOptions->set_DpiX(300); // Set the horizontal resolution.
tiffOptions->set_DpiY(300); // Set the vertical resolution.
// Convert the slide to an image with the specified options.
auto image = slide->GetImage(tiffOptions);
// Save the image in TIFF format.
image->Save(u"output.bmp", ImageFormat::Tiff);
Convert All Slides to Images
Aspose.Slides allows you to convert all slides in a presentation to images, effectively converting the entire presentation into a series of images.
This sample code demonstrates how to convert all slides in a presentation to images in C++:
float scaleX = 2;
float scaleY = scaleX;
auto presentation = MakeObject<Presentation>(u"Presentation.pptx");
// Render the presentation to images slide by slide.
for (int i = 0; i < presentation->get_Slides()->get_Count(); i++)
// Control hidden slides (do not render hidden slides).
if (presentation->get_Slide(i)->get_Hidden())
// Convert the slide to an image.
auto image = presentation->get_Slide(i)->GetImage(scaleX, scaleY);
// Save the image in the JPEG format.
image->Save(String::Format(u"Slide_{0}.jpg", i), ImageFormat::Jpeg);
1. Does Aspose.Slides support rendering slides with animations?
No, the GetImage
method saves only a static image of the slide, without animations.
2. Can hidden slides be exported as images?
Yes, hidden slides can be processed just like regular ones. Just make sure they are included in the processing loop.
3. Can images be saved with shadows and effects?
Yes, Aspose.Slides supports rendering shadows, transparency, and other graphic effects when saving slides as images.