Manage Rows and Columns
To allow you to manage a table’s rows and columns in a PowerPoint presentation, Aspose.Slides provides the Table class, ITable interface, and many other types.
Set First Row as Header
- Create an instance of the Presentation class and load the presentation.
- Get a slide’s reference through its index.
- Create an ITable object and set it to null.
- Iterate through all IShape objects to find the relevant table.
- Set the table’s first row as its header.
This C++ code shows you how to set a table’s first row as its header:
// Instantiates the Presentation class
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"table.pptx");
// Accesses the first slide
auto sld = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Initializes the null TableEx
SharedPtr<ITable> tbl;
// Iterates through the shapes and sets a reference to the table
for (const auto& shp : sld->get_Shapes())
if (ObjectExt::Is<ITable>(shp))
tbl = System::ExplicitCast<ITable>(shp);
// Sets the first row of a table its header
Clone Table’s Row or Column
- Create an instance of the Presentation class and load the presentation,
- Get a slide’s reference through its index.
- Define an array of
. - Define an array of
. - Add an ITable object to the slide through the AddTable() method.
- Clone the table row.
- Clone the table column.
- Save the modified presentation.
This C++ code shows you how to clone a PowerPoint table’s row or column:
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/CloningInTable_out.pptx";
// Instantiates the Presentation class
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
// Accesses the first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> islide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Defines columns with widths and rows with heights
System::ArrayPtr<double> dblCols = System::MakeObject<System::Array<double>>(4, 70);
System::ArrayPtr<double> dblRows = System::MakeObject<System::Array<double>>(4, 70);
// Adds a table shape to the slide
SharedPtr<ITable> table = islide->get_Shapes()->AddTable(100, 50, dblCols, dblRows);
// Sets the border format for each cell
for (int x = 0; x < table->get_Rows()->get_Count(); x++)
SharedPtr<IRow> row = table->get_Rows()->idx_get(x);
for (int y = 0; y < row->get_Count(); y++)
SharedPtr<ICell> cell = row->idx_get(y);
table->idx_get(0, 0)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"00");
table->idx_get(0, 1)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"01");
table->idx_get(0, 2)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"02");
table->idx_get(0, 3)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"03");
table->idx_get(1, 0)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"10");
table->idx_get(2, 0)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"20");
table->idx_get(1, 1)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"11");
table->idx_get(2, 1)->get_TextFrame()->set_Text(u"21");
//AddClone adds a row at the end of the table
table->get_Rows()->AddClone(table->get_Rows()->idx_get(0), false);
//InsertClone adds a row at a specific position in a table
table->get_Rows()->InsertClone(2, table->get_Rows()->idx_get(0), false);
//AddClone adds a column at the end of the table
table->get_Columns()->AddClone(table->get_Columns()->idx_get(0), false);
//InsertClone adds a column at a specific position in a table
table->get_Columns()->InsertClone(2, table->get_Columns()->idx_get(0), false);
// Saves the presentation to disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);
Remove Row or Column from Table
- Create an instance of the Presentation class and load the presentation,
- Get a slide’s reference through its index.
- Define an array of
. - Define an array of
. - Add an ITable object to the slide through the AddTable() method.
- Remove the table row.
- Remove the table column.
- Save the modified presentation.
This C++ code shows you how to remove a row or column from a table:
// The path to the documents directory.
const String outPath = u"../out/RemovingRowColumn_out.pptx";
// Instantiates the Presentation class
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
// Accesses the first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> islide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Defines the columns with widths and rows with heights
System::ArrayPtr<double> dblCols = System::MakeObject<System::Array<double>>(4, 70);
System::ArrayPtr<double> dblRows = System::MakeObject<System::Array<double>>(4, 70);
// Adds a table shape to the slide
SharedPtr<ITable> table = islide->get_Shapes()->AddTable(100, 50, dblCols, dblRows);
table->get_Rows()->RemoveAt(1, false);
table->get_Columns()->RemoveAt(1, false);
// Merges cells (1, 1) x (2, 1)
table->MergeCells(table->idx_get(1, 1), table->idx_get(2, 1), false);
// Merges cells (1, 2) x (2, 2)
table->MergeCells(table->idx_get(1, 2), table->idx_get(2, 2), false);
// Saves the presentation to disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);
Set Text Formatting on Table Row Level
- Create an instance of the Presentation class and load the presentation,
- Get a slide’s reference through its index.
- Access the relevant ITable object from the slide.
- Set the first-row cells' set_FontHeight().
- Set the first-row cells' set_Alignment() and set_MarginRight().
- Set the second-row cells' set_TextVerticalType().
- Save the modified presentation.
This C++ code demonstrates the operation.
// Creates an instance of the Presentation class
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
auto slide = presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
auto someTable = System::AsCast<ITable>(presentation->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0));
// Let's assume that the first shape on the first slide is a table
// Sets first row cells' font height
auto portionFormat = System::MakeObject<PortionFormat>();
// Sets the first row cells' text alignment and right margin
auto paragraphFormat = System::MakeObject<ParagraphFormat>();
// Sets the second row cells' text vertical type
auto textFrameFormat = System::MakeObject<TextFrameFormat>();
// Saves the presentation to disk
presentation->Save(u"result.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);
Set Text Formatting on Table Column Level
- Create an instance of the Presentation class and load the presentation,
- Get a slide’s reference through its index.
- Access the relevant ITable object from the slide.
- Set the first-column cells' set_FontHeight().
- Set the first-column cells' set_Alignment() and set_MarginRight().
- Set the second-column cells' set_TextVerticalType().
- Save the modified presentation.
This C++ code demonstrates the operation:
// Creates an instance of the Presentation class
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
auto slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
auto someTable = System::AsCast<ITable>(pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0));
// Let's assume that the first shape on the first slide is a table
// Sets the first column cells' font height
auto portionFormat = System::MakeObject<PortionFormat>();
// Sets the first column cells' text alignment and right margin in one call
auto paragraphFormat = System::MakeObject<ParagraphFormat>();
// Sets the second column cells' text vertical type
auto textFrameFormat = System::MakeObject<TextFrameFormat>();
pres->Save(u"result.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);
Get Table Style Properties
Aspose.Slides allows you to retrieve the style properties for a table so that you can use those details for another table or somewhere else. This C++ code shows you how to get the style properties from a table preset style:
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>();
auto shapes = pres->get_Slide(0)->get_Shapes();
auto table = System::ExplicitCast<ITable>(shapes->AddTable(10, 10, System::MakeArray<double>({100, 150}), System::MakeArray<double>({5, 5, 5})));
pres->Save(u"table.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);