Open Presentation - C++ PowerPoint API

Besides creating PowerPoint presentations from scratch, Aspose.Slides allows you to open existing presentations. After you load a presentation, you can get information about the presentation, edit the presentation (content on its slides), add new slides or remove existing ones, etc.

Open Presentation

To open an existing presentation, you simply have to instantiate the Presentation class and pass the file path (of the presentation you want to open) to its constructor.

This C++ code shows you how to open a presentation and also find out the number of slides it contains:

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = u"";

// Instantiates the Presentation class and passes the file path to its constructor
auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(dataDir + u"OpenPresentation.pptx");

// Prints the total number of slides present in the presentation

Open Password Protected Presentation

When you have to open a password-protected presentation, you can pass the password through the get_Password() property (from the LoadOptions class) to decrypt the presentation and load the presentation. This C++ code demonstrates the operation:

System::SharedPtr<LoadOptions> loadOptions = System::MakeObject<LoadOptions>();
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(u"pres.pptx", loadOptions);
// Do some work with the decrypted presentation

Open Large Presentation

Aspose.Slides provides options (the BlobManagementOptions property in particular) under the LoadOptions class to allow you to load large presentations.

This C++ demonstrates an operation in which a large presentation (say 2GB in size) is loaded:

String pathToVeryLargePresentationFile = u"veryLargePresentation.pptx";

    SharedPtr<LoadOptions> loadOptions = System::MakeObject<LoadOptions>();
    // let's choose the KeepLocked behavior - the "veryLargePresentation.pptx" will be locked for
    // the Presentation's instance lifetime, but we don't need to load it into memory or copy into
    // the temporary file

    auto pres = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(pathToVeryLargePresentationFile, loadOptions);

    // The large presentation has been loaded and can be used, but the memory consumption is still low.

    // Makes changes to the presentation.
    pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0)->set_Name(u"Very large presentation");

    // The presentation will be saved to the other file. The memory consumption stays low during the operation
    pres->Save(u"veryLargePresentation-copy.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);

    // can't do that! IO exception will be thrown because the file is locked while pres objects will
    // not be disposed

// It is ok to do it here. The source file is not locked by the pres object

Load Presentation

Aspose.Slides provides IResourceLoadingCallback with a single method to allow you to manage external resources. This C++ code shows you how to use the IResourceLoadingCallback interface:

// The path to the documents directory.
System::String dataDir = GetDataPath();

auto opts = System::MakeObject<LoadOptions>();
auto presentation = System::MakeObject<Presentation>(dataDir + u"presentation.pptx", opts);
class ImageLoadingHandler : public IResourceLoadingCallback
    ImageLoadingHandler(String dataDir)
        : m_dataDir(dataDir)

    ResourceLoadingAction ResourceLoading(SharedPtr<IResourceLoadingArgs> args) override
        if (args->get_OriginalUri().EndsWith(u".jpg"))
                System::ArrayPtr<uint8_t> imageBytes = File::ReadAllBytes(Path::Combine(m_dataDir, u"aspose-logo.jpg"));
                return ResourceLoadingAction::UserProvided;
            catch (System::Exception&)
                return ResourceLoadingAction::Skip;

        if (args->get_OriginalUri().EndsWith(u".png"))
            // Sets substitute url
            return ResourceLoadingAction::Default;

        // Skips all other images
        return ResourceLoadingAction::Skip;
    String m_dataDir;

Open and Save Presentation

Steps: Open and Save Presentation in C++

  1. Create an instance of the Presentation class and pass the file you want to open.

  2. Save the presentation.

     const String outPath = u"../out/SaveToFile_out.ppt";
     SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>();
     // pres->get_ProtectionManager()->Encrypt(u"pass");
     // some work here..
     pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);