Update Chart

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Update Chart

Aspose.Slides for C++ has provided the simplest API to update charts in an easiest way. To update a chart in a slide:

  • Open an instance of Presentation class containing chart.
  • Obtain the reference of a slide by using its Index.
  • Traverse through all shapes to find desired chart.
  • Access the chart data worksheet.
  • Modify the chart data series data by changing series values.
  • Adding a new series and populating data inside it.
  • Write the modified presentation as a PPTX file.

The code examples that follow how to update a chart.

For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-slides/Aspose.Slides-for-C
// The path to the documents directory.
const String templatePath = u"../templates/ExistingChart.pptx";
const String outPath = u"../out/ExistingChart_out.pptx";
//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file
SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(templatePath);
//Access first slide
SharedPtr<ISlide> slide = pres->get_Slides()->idx_get(0);
// Add chart with default data
SharedPtr<Chart> chart = DynamicCast<Aspose::Slides::Charts::Chart>(slide->get_Shapes()->idx_get(0));
// Setting the index of chart data sheet
int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;
// Getting the chart data worksheet
SharedPtr<IChartDataWorkbook> fact = chart->get_ChartData()->get_ChartDataWorkbook();
// Changing chart Category Name
fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 0, ObjectExt::Box<String>(u"Modified Category 1"));
fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 0, ObjectExt::Box<String>(u"Modified Category 2"));
// Take first chart series
SharedPtr<IChartSeries> series = chart->get_ChartData()->get_Series()->idx_get(0);
// Now updating series data
fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 1, ObjectExt::Box<String>(u"New_Series1"));// Modifying series name
// Take Second chart series
series = chart->get_ChartData()->get_Series()->idx_get(1);
// Now updating series data
fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 2, ObjectExt::Box<System::String>(u"New_Series2"));// Modifying series name
// Now, Adding a new serie
chart->get_ChartData()->get_Series()->Add(fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 3, ObjectExt::Box<System::String>(u"Series 3")), chart->get_Type());
// Take 3rd chart series
series = chart->get_ChartData()->get_Series()->idx_get(2);
// Now populating series data
series->get_DataPoints()->AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 3, ObjectExt::Box<double>(20)));
series->get_DataPoints()->AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 3, ObjectExt::Box<double>(50)));
series->get_DataPoints()->AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact->GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 3, ObjectExt::Box<double>(30)));
// Write the presentation file to disk
pres->Save(outPath, Aspose::Slides::Export::SaveFormat::Pptx);