Crear e Incrustar un Gráfico de Excel como un Objeto OLE en una Diapositiva de Microsoft PowerPoint

Creando e Incrustando un Gráfico de Excel

Los dos ejemplos de código a continuación son largos y detallados porque la tarea que describen es compleja. Creas un libro de trabajo de Microsoft Excel, creas un gráfico y luego creas la presentación de Microsoft PowerPoint en la que incrustarás el gráfico. Los objetos OLE contienen enlaces al documento original, por lo que un usuario que haga doble clic en el archivo incrustado abrirá el archivo y su aplicación.

Ejemplo de VSTO

Utilizando VSTO, se realizan los siguientes pasos:

  1. Crear una instancia del objeto ApplicationClass de Microsoft Excel.
  2. Crear un nuevo libro de trabajo con una hoja en él.
  3. Añadir un gráfico a la hoja.
  4. Guardar el libro de trabajo.
  5. Abrir el libro de Excel que contiene la hoja con los datos del gráfico.
  6. Obtener la colección ChartObjects para la hoja.
  7. Obtener el gráfico para copiar.
  8. Crear una presentación de Microsoft PowerPoint.
  9. Añadir una diapositiva en blanco a la presentación.
  10. Copiar el gráfico de la hoja de cálculo de Excel al portapapeles.
  11. Pegar el gráfico en la presentación de PowerPoint.
  12. Colocar el gráfico en la diapositiva.
  13. Guardar la presentación.
static void SetCellValue(xlNS.Worksheet targetSheet, string Cell, object Value)
targetSheet.get_Range(Cell, Cell).set_Value(xlNS.XlRangeValueDataType.xlRangeValueDefault, Value);
static void CreateNewChartInExcel()
// Declare a variable for the Excel ApplicationClass instance.
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass excelApplication = null;
// Declare variables for the Workbooks.Open method parameters.
string paramWorkbookPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\ChartData.xlsx";
object paramMissing = Type.Missing;
// Declare variables for the Chart.ChartWizard method.
object paramChartFormat = 1;
object paramCategoryLabels = 0;
object paramSeriesLabels = 0;
bool paramHasLegend = true;
object paramTitle = "Sales by Quarter";
object paramCategoryTitle = "Fiscal Quarter";
object paramValueTitle = "Billions";
// Create an instance of the Excel ApplicationClass object.
excelApplication = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.ApplicationClass();
// Create a new workbook with 1 sheet in it.
xlNS.Workbook newWorkbook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Add(xlNS.XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet);
// Change the name of the sheet.
xlNS.Worksheet targetSheet = (xlNS.Worksheet)(newWorkbook.Worksheets[1]);
targetSheet.Name = "Quarterly Sales";
// Insert some data for the chart into the sheet.
// A B C D E
// 1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
// 2 N. America 1.5 2 1.5 2.5
// 3 S. America 2 1.75 2 2
// 4 Europe 2.25 2 2.5 2
// 5 Asia 2.5 2.5 2 2.75
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "A2", "N. America");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "A3", "S. America");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "A4", "Europe");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "A5", "Asia");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "B1", "Q1");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "B2", 1.5);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "B3", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "B4", 2.25);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "B5", 2.5);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "C1", "Q2");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "C2", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "C3", 1.75);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "C4", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "C5", 2.5);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "D1", "Q3");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "D2", 1.5);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "D3", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "D4", 2.5);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "D5", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "E1", "Q4");
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "E2", 2.5);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "E3", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "E4", 2);
SetCellValue(targetSheet, "E5", 2.75);
// Get the range holding the chart data.
xlNS.Range dataRange = targetSheet.get_Range("A1", "E5");
// Get the ChartObjects collection for the sheet.
xlNS.ChartObjects chartObjects = (xlNS.ChartObjects)(targetSheet.ChartObjects(paramMissing));
// Add a Chart to the collection.
xlNS.ChartObject newChartObject = chartObjects.Add(0, 100, 600, 300);
newChartObject.Name = "Sales Chart";
// Create a new chart of the data.
newChartObject.Chart.ChartWizard(dataRange, xlNS.XlChartType.xl3DColumn, paramChartFormat, xlNS.XlRowCol.xlRows,
paramCategoryLabels, paramSeriesLabels, paramHasLegend, paramTitle, paramCategoryTitle, paramValueTitle, paramMissing);
// Save the workbook.
newWorkbook.SaveAs(paramWorkbookPath, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing,
paramMissing, xlNS.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing);
catch (Exception ex)
if (excelApplication != null)
// Close Excel.
static void UseCopyPaste()
// Declare variables to hold references to PowerPoint objects.
pptNS.ApplicationClass powerpointApplication = null;
pptNS.Presentation pptPresentation = null;
pptNS.Slide pptSlide = null;
pptNS.ShapeRange shapeRange = null;
// Declare variables to hold references to Excel objects.
xlNS.ApplicationClass excelApplication = null;
xlNS.Workbook excelWorkBook = null;
xlNS.Worksheet targetSheet = null;
xlNS.ChartObjects chartObjects = null;
xlNS.ChartObject existingChartObject = null;
string paramPresentationPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\ChartTest.pptx";
string paramWorkbookPath = Application.StartupPath + @"\ChartData.xlsx";
object paramMissing = Type.Missing;
// Create an instance of PowerPoint.
powerpointApplication = new pptNS.ApplicationClass();
// Create an instance Excel.
excelApplication = new xlNS.ApplicationClass();
// Open the Excel workbook containing the worksheet with the chart data.
excelWorkBook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open(paramWorkbookPath,
paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing,
paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing,
paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing, paramMissing);
// Get the worksheet that contains the chart.
targetSheet =
(xlNS.Worksheet)(excelWorkBook.Worksheets["Quarterly Sales"]);
// Get the ChartObjects collection for the sheet.
chartObjects =
// Get the chart to copy.
existingChartObject =
(xlNS.ChartObject)(chartObjects.Item("Sales Chart"));
// Create a PowerPoint presentation.
pptPresentation =
// Add a blank slide to the presentation.
pptSlide =
pptPresentation.Slides.Add(1, pptNS.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutBlank);
// Copy the chart from the Excel worksheet to the clipboard.
// Paste the chart into the PowerPoint presentation.
shapeRange = pptSlide.Shapes.Paste();
// Position the chart on the slide.
shapeRange.Left = 60;
shapeRange.Top = 100;
// Save the presentation.
pptPresentation.SaveAs(paramPresentationPath, pptNS.PpSaveAsFileType.ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue);
catch (Exception ex)
// Release the PowerPoint slide object.
shapeRange = null;
pptSlide = null;
// Close and release the Presentation object.
if (pptPresentation != null)
pptPresentation = null;
// Quit PowerPoint and release the ApplicationClass object.
if (powerpointApplication != null)
powerpointApplication = null;
// Release the Excel objects.
targetSheet = null;
chartObjects = null;
existingChartObject = null;
// Close and release the Excel Workbook object.
if (excelWorkBook != null)
excelWorkBook.Close(false, paramMissing, paramMissing);
excelWorkBook = null;
// Quit Excel and release the ApplicationClass object.
if (excelApplication != null)
excelApplication = null;

Ejemplo de Aspose.Slides para Java

Utilizando Aspose.Slides para .NET, se realizan los siguientes pasos:

  1. Crear un libro de trabajo utilizando Aspose.Cells para Java.
  2. Crear un gráfico de Microsoft Excel.
  3. Establecer el tamaño OLE del Gráfico de Excel.
  4. Obtener una imagen del gráfico.
  5. Incrustar el gráfico de Excel como un Objeto OLE dentro de la presentación PPTX utilizando Aspose.Slides para Java.
  6. Reemplazar la imagen del objeto cambiado con la imagen obtenida en el paso 3 para solucionar el problema del objeto cambiado.
  7. Escribir la presentación de salida en el disco en formato PPTX.
try {
//Create a workbook
Workbook wb = new Workbook();
//Add an excel chart
int chartRows = 55;
int chartCols = 25;
int chartSheetIndex = AddExcelChartInWorkbook(wb, chartRows, chartCols);
//Set chart ole size
wb.getWorksheets().setOleSize(0, chartRows, 0, chartCols);
//Get the chart image and save to stream
com.aspose.cells.ImageOrPrintOptions opts= new com.aspose.cells.ImageOrPrintOptions();
ByteArrayOutputStream imageStream=new ByteArrayOutputStream();
wb.getWorksheets().get(chartSheetIndex).getCharts().get(0).toImage(imageStream, opts);
//Save the workbook to stream
ByteArrayOutputStream bout=new ByteArrayOutputStream();,com.aspose.cells.SaveFormat.EXCEL_97_TO_2003);
//Create a presentation
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
ISlide sld = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
//Add the workbook on slide
AddExcelChartInPresentation(pres, sld, bout.toByteArray(), imageStream.toByteArray());
//Write the presentation to disk"outputJ.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);
} catch (Exception e) {
static void AddExcelChartInPresentation(Presentation pres, ISlide sld, byte[] wbArray, byte[] imgChart) throws Exception
double oleHeight = pres.getSlideSize().getSize().getHeight();
double oleWidth = pres.getSlideSize().getSize().getWidth();
Workbook wb=new Workbook();
//Createing and EXCEL_97_TO_2003 LoadOptions object
com.aspose.cells.LoadOptions loadOptions = new com.aspose.cells.LoadOptions(com.aspose.cells.FileFormatType.EXCEL_97_TO_2003);
wb=new Workbook(new ByteArrayInputStream(wbArray),loadOptions);
IOleObjectFrame oof = sld.getShapes().addOleObjectFrame(0f, 0f, (float)oleWidth, (float)oleHeight, "Excel.Sheet.8", wbArray);
oof.getSubstitutePictureFormat().getPicture().setImage(pres.getImages().addImage(new ByteArrayInputStream(imgChart)));
static int AddExcelChartInWorkbook(Workbook wb, int chartRows, int chartCols)
//Array of cell names
String[] cellsName = new String[]
"A1", "A2", "A3", "A4",
"B1", "B2", "B3", "B4",
"C1", "C2", "C3", "C4",
"D1", "D2", "D3", "D4",
"E1", "E2", "E3", "E4"
//Array of cell data
int[] cellsValue = new int[]
//Add a new worksheet to populate cells with data
int dataSheetIndex =wb.getWorksheets().add();
Worksheet dataSheet =wb.getWorksheets().get(dataSheetIndex);
String sheetName = "DataSheet";
//Populate DataSheet with data
int size= Array.getLength(cellsName);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
String cellName = cellsName[i];
int cellValue = cellsValue[i];
//Add a chart sheet
int WorksheetIndex = wb.getWorksheets().add(SheetType.CHART);
Worksheet chartSheet = wb.getWorksheets().get(WorksheetIndex);
int chartSheetIdx = chartSheet.getIndex();
//Add a chart in ChartSheet with data series from DataSheet
int chIndex = chartSheet.getCharts().add(ChartType.COLUMN, 0, chartRows, 0, chartCols);
Chart chart=chartSheet.getCharts().get(chIndex);
chart.getNSeries().add(sheetName + "!A1:E1", false);
chart.getNSeries().add(sheetName + "!A2:E2", false);
chart.getNSeries().add(sheetName + "!A3:E3", false);
chart.getNSeries().add(sheetName + "!A4:E4", false);
//Set ChartSheet as active sheet
return chartSheetIdx;