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Aspose.Slides for Java 22.7 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-42193Add support of 3D for Column ChartsFeature
SLIDESNET-43153Hebrew text shadow is incorrect when converting PPTX to PDFEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-38284Use Aspose.Slides for Net 22.7 featuresEnhancement
SLIDESJAVA-38853Loading a presentation throws PptxReadException: NullPointerExceptionBug
SLIDESJAVA-38800Getting wrong colour on certain templates when using ISlide.getThumbnailBug
SLIDESJAVA-38791Exception: Only one element can be addedBug
SLIDESJAVA-38777Failure on loading a presentation file with funnel chartBug
SLIDESJAVA-38826NullPointerException when saving presentation after slide removalBug