Product Overview
Welcome to Aspose.Slides for Java!
Aspose.Slides for Java is a Microsoft PowerPoint® management API that enables Java applications to read and write PowerPoint® documents without Microsoft PowerPoint®.
Aspose.Slides for Java is the first and only component that provides functionalities required to manage PowerPoint® documents.
Aspose.Slides for Java offers a lot of key features such as managing text, shapes, tables & animations, adding audio & video to slides, previewing slides, exporting slides to SVG, PDF and other formats.
Product Description
Aspose.Slides for Java not only lets you open PowerPoint files from different sources, but it also allows you to save your presentations in a variety of ways. For example, you can save your presentations in PPT; you can also save your slides as images.
Aspose.Slides for Java gives you almost all the features you may or may not find in Microsoft PowerPoint. Given the versatility of Aspose.Slides for Java, besides tables and different kinds of shapes, you can also add different kinds of frames—text, audio, and video frames—to your slides.
Aspose.Slides for Java also provides fully featured demos and working examples for developers to get a better understanding of the API.
Presentation Features
- Opening Microsoft PowerPoint presentations from different sources.
- Saving presentations in different Microsoft PowerPoint formats.
- Creating presentations from scratch.
- Converting presentations to PDF documents without using any other component.
- Ability to read Open Document Presentation (ODP).
- Ability to convert PPT to PPTX or vice versa.
- Reading or modifying a presentation’s document properties.
- Exporting presentations to PDF
- Exporting presentations to TIFF
- Exporting presentations to XPS
- Exporting presentations to SWF
- Exporting presentations to PDF Note / Tiff Notes
- Exporting presentations to HTML
Slides Features
- Creating new slides from scratch and add them to presentations.
- Accessing any slide through its position in a presentation.
- Copying or cloning slides to the same or another presentation.
- Editing and deleting slides.
- Copying masters with slides automatically.
- Previewing slides.
- Getting or setting a slide’s name.
- Saving slides as images.
- Exporting slides to SVG format.
- Working with many masters in presentations.
- Filling slides background with any supported style.
- Adding new or managing slide notes.
- Setting new slide masters and styles dynamically.
- Adding or modifying slide show transition.
- Adding Morph Transitions
Graphics & Multimedia Features
- Creating or managing shapes such as lines, rectangles, ellipses, and polylines.
- Managing line styles in shapes.
- Getting a shape’s alternative text.
- Rotating a flip shapes.
- Filling shapes in different styles, for example solid, gradient, pattern, texture and picture.
- Using any of 48 pre-defined patterns and 24 textures.
- Assigning links to shapes.
- Reading, modifying, and adding new animation effects to slides and shapes.
- Adding new pictures to presentations and managing existing ones.
- Adding new picture bullets to presentations and managing existing ones.
- Adding new audio frames to presentations and managing existing ones.
- Adding new video frames to presentations and managing existing ones.
Table Features
- Creating tables from scratch and adding them to slides.
- Resizing and moving tables.
- Accessing any cell in a table.
- Changing the format and borders of any cell.
- Resizing columns and rows.
- Adding and deleting columns and rows.
- Setting border width and color for the whole table.
- Applying preset styling to tables
Text & Paragraph Features
- Getting and setting texts in text placeholders and text frames.
- Getting a placeholder’s type.
- Changing the text formatting in a text frame.
- Adding new fonts or managing the fonts already used in a presentation.
- Changing texts and Text Formatting.
- Creating or managing links to the text.
- Supporting tabs and effective tabs.
- Adding new text frames to almost any type of shape.
- Accessing and modifying margins and text wrap settings of text frames.
- Accessing and modifying paragraph indentation.
Advance Features
- Accessing OLE objects embedded in presentations.
- Locking presentations.
- Adding watermarks to presentations.
- Applying animations to shapes inside slides.