Aspose.Slides for .NET 19.11 Release Notes

SLIDESNET-39130Improve handling of embedded OLE objects in PresentationFeature
SLIDESNET-41340Chart become image on cloning shapeEnhancement
SLIDESNET-41401Text get overlapped in generated shape thumbnailEnhancement
SLIDESNET-39330Accessing embedded filesBug
SLIDESNET-41474Chart legend issue after conversion to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-41492On conversion to PPTX the code throws an exceptionBug
SLIDESNET-41428Converting PPTX to PNG generates improper PNG in a multithreaded environmentBug
SLIDESNET-39874Updating OLE Data using OpenMcdf results in corrupted OLE frameBug
SLIDESNET-41402Setting chart data label from chart workbook not workingBug
SLIDESNET-41430Text in exported HTML is misplacedBug
SLIDESNET-41236Metafile text rasterization wrong when the unrelated external font was usedBug
SLIDESNET-41120Text is not getting autofit inside the shapeBug
SLIDESNET-36221Embedded objects failed to edit in Aspose.Slides saved presentationBug
SLIDESNET-41162Equation text overlap in generated HTML ThumbnailsBug
SLIDESNET-41386Exception on loading PPT in Linux environmentBug
SLIDESNET-41448Exception on reading workbookBug
SLIDESNET-41437Error message on loading saved presentation in PowerPointBug
SLIDESNET-41375SVG not properly generated from PPTXBug
SLIDESNET-41468Images improperly rendered in generated thumbnailBug
SLIDESNET-41470Aspose.Slides is corrupting OLE linksBug
SLIDESNET-41400Category removing operation not workingBug
SLIDESNET-41436Custom tags are not getting removed from the presentationBug
SLIDESNET-41355PptxReadException on loading presentationBug
SLIDESNET-40893The text is rendered on the wrong position in generated HTMLBug
SLIDESNET-41413Pattern fill for a table cell is ignored in exported SVGBug
SLIDESNET-39976Wrong font color when importing textBug
SLIDESNET-41157EMF images not converted to JPEGBug
SLIDESNET-41148Images are missing in exported PDFBug
SLIDESNET-41418NullReferenceException while trying to get portion coordinatesBug
SLIDESNET-41423PPTX not properly converted to PDF in LinuxBug
SLIDESNET-41424PPTX not properly converted to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-41227Bold text (Frutiger font) not exported as expected to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-41391Wrong size of chart titlesBug
SLIDESNET-41429ConnectionSiteIndex values for CalloutWedgeEllipse are incorrectBug

Public API Changes

Obsolete methods AddFromSvg have been deleted

Methods IPPImage AddFromSvg(string svgContent) and IPPImage AddFromSvg(string svgContent, IExternalResourceResolver externalResResolver, string baseUri) have been removed from ImageCollection class and corresponding IImageCollection interface.

Please use method AddImage(ISvgImage svgImage) instead.