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Aspose.Slides for .NET 22.3 Release Notes

KeySummaryCategoryRelated Documentation
SLIDESNET-43061Throw a meaningful exception when saving an already Disposed PresentationFeature
SLIDESNET-42621Add support Bevel for chartsFeature
SLIDESNET-42959Introduce a flag to indicate if shape was created as text box or notEnhancement
SLIDESNET-43045Loading PPTX file throws PptxReadException: Invalid SvgMsStyleBug
SLIDESNET-43037After removing the shape from the Slide exception is thrownBug
SLIDESNET-43027PPTX to SVG: The custom font does not apply using SvgExternalFontsHandling.AddLinksToFontFilesBug
SLIDESNET-430193D effects on charts are lost in generated PDFBug
SLIDESNET-43016BulletChar property is null while reading bulleted itemsBug
SLIDESNET-43001Aspose.Slides.PptxReadException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Bug
SLIDESNET-42996Exception when converting PPTX to PDF with comments and notesBug
SLIDESNET-42992PPTX to PDF conversion on Ubuntu 18.04 with NET 5 slowBug
SLIDESNET-42989PowerPoint couldn’t read some content after resaving PPTX fileBug
SLIDESNET-42987PowerPoint couldn’t read some content after loading and saving PPTX fileBug
SLIDESNET-42976Y-axis values have lower accuracy in chart thumbnailBug
SLIDESNET-42971Line breaks in Japanese text are different when converting PPTX to PDFBug
SLIDESNET-42957Text exported to PDF is displayed wrong.Bug
SLIDESNET-42948PPTX to PDF table issueBug<>
SLIDESNET-42868Metafiles is not exported as vector even if SaveMetafilesAsPng is falseBug
SLIDESNET-42864Bevel effect appears on a shape that does not unsupported itBug
SLIDESNET-42828Picture 3D effect is missing when converting PPTX to SVGBug
SLIDESNET-42804Shapes with 3D styles improperly rendered in generated PDFBug
SLIDESNET-42686PPTX to HTML - CustomNumberFormat property does not work for Chart data pointBug
SLIDESNET-426123D Chart Content is not showing properly in generated PDFBug<>
SLIDESNET-426113D Cone Chart improperly rendered in generated PDFBug
SLIDESNET-42560Chart won’t update until opening the data sheetsBug
SLIDESNET-42477Removing comments from a PPTX file doesn?t workBug
SLIDESNET-42037Wrong color for SmartArt in PDFBug
SLIDESNET-39578The line break position is different in exported PDFBug
SLIDESNET-39577Character spacing is narrow in expored PDFBug
SLIDESNET-361303D Chart Content is not showing properly in generated Tiff fileBug
SLIDESNET-35671Charts missing in generated PDFBug
SLIDESNET-348443-D chart improperly rendered in generated thumbnailBug
SLIDESNET-34312Chart improperly rendered in generated thumbnailBug

Public API Changes

AutoShape.IsTextBox property was added

AutoShape.IsTextBox property was added to indicate whether a shape was created as a text box or not. The image below demonstrates the two scenarios where a shape will be created as a

  • text box
  • regular shape:

Text box and shape

This C# code demonstrates the iteration over all Presentation shapes and outs to console if the shape is a text box or not (if the shape is AutoShape).

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    Aspose.Slides.LowCode.ForEach.Shape(pres, (shape, slide, index) =>
        if (shape is AutoShape autoShape)
            Console.WriteLine(autoShape.IsTextBox ? "shape is text box" : "shape is text not box");

Classes inherited from EffectEffectiveData removed from public API

These classes that were inherited from EffectEffectiveData have been removed from the public API:

  • AlphaBiLevelEffectiveData
  • AlphaModulateFixedEffectiveData
  • AlphaReplaceEffectiveData
  • BiLevelEffectiveData
  • BlurEffectiveData
  • ColorChangeEffectiveData
  • ColorReplaceEffectiveData
  • DuotoneEffectiveData
  • FillOverlayEffectiveData
  • GlowEffectiveData
  • HSLEffectiveData
  • InnerShadowEffectiveData
  • LuminanceEffectiveData
  • OuterShadowEffectiveData
  • PresetShadowEffectiveData
  • ReflectionEffectiveData
  • SoftEdgeEffectiveData
  • TintEffectiveData

All effective values can still be accessed through their corresponding public interfaces, e.g.:

using (Presentation pres = new Presentation("pres.pptx"))
    Aspose.Slides.LowCode.ForEach.Portion(pres, (portion, para, slide, index) =>
        IPortionFormatEffectiveData effective = portion.PortionFormat.GetEffective();