
Using Callouts

New methods getShowLabelAsDataCallout() and setShowLabelAsDataCallout() have been added to DataLabelFormat class and IDataLabelFormat interface. These methods determine either specified chart’s data label will be displayed as data callout or as data label.

  $pres = new Presentation();
  try {
    $chart = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0)->getShapes()->addChart(ChartType::Pie, 50, 50, 500, 400);
    $pres->save("DisplayCharts.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);
  } finally {
    if (!java_is_null($pres)) {

Set Callout for Doughnut Chart

Aspose.Slides for PHP via Java provides support for setting series data label callout shape for a Doughnut chart. Below sample example is given. 

  $pres = new Presentation();
  try {
    $slide = $pres->getSlides()->get_Item(0);
    $chart = $slide->getShapes()->addChart(ChartType::Doughnut, 10, 10, 500, 500, false);
    $workBook = $chart->getChartData()->getChartDataWorkbook();
    $seriesIndex = 0;
    while ($seriesIndex < 15) {
      $series = $chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->add($workBook->getCell(0, 0, $seriesIndex + 1, "SERIES " . $seriesIndex), $chart->getType());
    $categoryIndex = 0;
    while ($categoryIndex < 15) {
      $chart->getChartData()->getCategories()->add($workBook->getCell(0, $categoryIndex + 1, 0, "CATEGORY " . $categoryIndex));
      $i = 0;
      while ($i < java_values($chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->size())) {
        $iCS = $chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->get_Item($i);
        $dataPoint = $iCS->getDataPoints()->addDataPointForDoughnutSeries($workBook->getCell(0, $categoryIndex + 1, $i + 1, 1));
        if ($i == java_values($chart->getChartData()->getSeries()->size()) - 1) {
          $lbl = $dataPoint->getLabel();
          $lbl->getDataLabelFormat()->getTextFormat()->getPortionFormat()->setLatinFont(new FontData("DINPro-Bold"));
          $lbl->setX($lbl->getX() + 0.5);
          $lbl->setY($lbl->getY() + 0.5);
    $pres->save("chart.pptx", SaveFormat::Pptx);
  } finally {
    if (!java_is_null($pres)) {