Common Exceptions and Errors Involving Fonts on Linux

Missing text or images (emf or wmf) when code is executed on Linux

This problem occurs in systems with restrictions in these cases:

  1. When there are no fonts installed or when the font folder for the java process cannot be accessed
  2. When the TEMP directory cannot be accessed.


Check and confirm that access to the TEMP directory and the fonts folder has been granted.


Use FontsLoader to load the required fonts without installing them:


If the TEMP directory cannot be accessed, use this code to specify another directory as the TEMP for Java:

String newTempFolder = “pathToTmpFolder”; String oldValue = System.getProperty(“”); file = new; if (!file.exists()) file.mkdir(); System.setProperty(“”, newTempFolder); try {


Presentation pres = ...
# ....

} finally { System.setProperty(“”, oldValue); }

Exception: InvalidOperationException: Cannot find any fonts installed on the system

This exception occurs when

  1. the Java process cannot access the fonts folder
  2. no fonts have been installed.


  1. Check and confirm that access to the font folder for the Java process has been granted.

  2. Install some fonts or use FontsLoader.

  3. Install fonts.

    • Ubuntu:

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get install -y fonts-dejavu-core
     fc-cache -fv


   * CentOS: 


     sudo yum makecache
     sudo yum -y install dejavu-sans-fonts
     fc-cache -fv


   * Using [FontsLoader](




## **Exception: NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.aspose.slides.internal.ey.this**

This exception occurs on a Linux system that lacks fontconfig and fonts. 

### Solution:

Install fontconfig:

* Ubuntu:


sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get -y install fontconfig

  • CentOS:

sudo yum makecache sudo yum -y install fontconfig

Additionally, some open-jdk versions (for example, alpine JDK) also require installed fonts.

  • Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install -y fonts-dejavu-core fc-cache -fv

  • CentOS:

sudo yum -y install dejavu-sans-fonts fc-cache -fv

Exception: UnsatisfiedLinkError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

This exception occurs on a Linux system that lacks the libfreetype library.


Install libfreetype and fontconfig:

  • Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libfreetype6 sudo apt-get -y install fontconfig

  • CentOS:

sudo yum makecache sudo yum install libfreetype6 sudo yum -y install fontconfig