
Aspose.Slides for Python via Java is platform-independent API and can be used on any platform (Windows, Linux and MacOS) where Python, Java and jpype1 bridge are installed.

Requirements for programs and versions

To ensure proper operation of Aspose.Slides for Python via Java, the following programs and packages must be installed:

  • JRE version >=8 (JPype1 has been tested on Java versions from 1.8 to 11).
  • Python version >=3.7,<=3.12.
  • JPype1 package version: >=1.5.0.

Install from pip

You can easily install Aspose.Slides for Python via Java from pip as long as you have all the required programs (Java, Python) installed.

Create a new project folder.

Install JPype1 using the following command:

$ pip install JPype1

Install Aspose.Slides for Python via Java using the following command:

$ pip install aspose-slides-java

Install from ZIP archive

To install and use Aspose.Slides for Python via Java from a ZIP archive, follow these instructions instead:


  1. Install JDK8 and configure JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  2. Install Python version >=3.7 and add python.exe to PATH.
  3. Install Microsoft C++ Build Tools.
  4. Install JPype1. You can run below commands in python terminal:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install JPype1
  1. Download Aspose.Slides for Python via Java and extract it to aspose-slides-java.
  2. Create a file named in aspose-slides-java folder using the following sample code:
import jpype
import asposeslides


from asposeslides.api import Presentation, SaveFormat

pres = Presentation()
slide = pres.getSlides().addEmptySlide(pres.getLayoutSlides().get_Item(0))
slide.getShapes().get_Item(0).getTextFrame().setText("Slide Title Heading")"out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx)

  1. Now run py @command prompt to run it.


  1. Install JDK8 for Linux and configure JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  2. Install Python version >=3.7
  3. Install g++ and python-dev.
  • For Debian/Ubuntu:
    sudo apt-get install g++ python3-dev
  • For RedHat-based:
    dnf install redhat-rpm-config gcc-c++ python3-devel unixODBC-devel
  1. Install JPype1. You can run below commands in python terminal:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install JPype1
  1. Download Aspose.Slides for Python via Java and extract it to aspose-slides-java.
  2. Create a test file named using this sample code in aspose-slides-java folder:
import jpype
import asposeslides


from asposeslides.api import Presentation, SaveFormat

pres = Presentation()
slide = pres.getSlides().addEmptySlide(pres.getLayoutSlides().get_Item(0))
slide.getShapes().get_Item(0).getTextFrame().setText("Slide Title Heading")"out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx)

  1. Now run py @command prompt to run it.


  1. Install JDK8 for Mac and configure JAVA_HOME environment variable.
  2. Modify JVMCapabilities section in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.x_xxx.jdk/Contents/Info.plist with root privilege. jdk1.8.x_xxx.jdk depends on your jdk version. Make it look like this:
  1. Install Python version >=3.7.
  2. Install GCC or Clang compilers depending on the Python`s version and platform.
  3. Install JPype1. You can run below commands in python terminal:
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install JPype1
  1. Download Aspose.Slides for Python via Java and extract it into aspose-slides-java.
  2. Create a test file named using this sample code in aspose-slides-java folder:
import jpype
import asposeslides


from asposeslides.api import Presentation, SaveFormat

pres = Presentation()
slide = pres.getSlides().addEmptySlide(pres.getLayoutSlides().get_Item(0))
slide.getShapes().get_Item(0).getTextFrame().setText("Slide Title Heading")"out.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx)

  1. Now run python @command prompt to run it.