Limitations and API Differences

Known Bugs/Limitations

Java classes outside of a package (in the default) cannot be imported. Because of lack of JVM support, you cannot shutdown the JVM and then restart it. Nor can you start more than one copy of the JVM. Mixing 64 bit Python with 32 bit Java and vice versa crashes on import of the jpype module.

Public API Differences

The following list (with sample code segments) shows some differences between Aspose.Slides for Java and Aspose.Slides for Python via Java APIs.

Importing library (Package Comparisons)

Aspose.Slides for Java

import com.aspose.slides.*;

Aspose.Slides for Python via Java

import jpype
import asposeslides


from asposeslides.api import Presentation, SaveFormat


Instantiating a new Presentation

Aspose.Slides for Java

Presentation pres = new Presentation();

Aspose.Slides for Python via Java

import jpype
import asposeslides


from asposeslides.api import Presentation

pres = Presentation();


Streaming Files and Constants

Aspose.Slides for Java

InputStream inputstream = new FileInputStream("Pres1.pptx");
Presentation pres = new Presentation(inputstream);"result.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx);

Aspose.Slides for Python via Java

import jpype
import asposeslides


from asposeslides.api import Presentation, SaveFormat

input = open("presentation.pptx", mode="rb")
data =
pres = Presentation.createPresentationFromBytes(data)"result.pptx", SaveFormat.Pptx)


Other Limitations of Aspose.Slides for Python via Java API compared to Aspose.Slides for Java API

For more information about other limitations, please refer to the jpype documentation: