Presentation Header and Footer

Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET provides the feature for managing headers and footers inside presentation slides. These are in fact managed on the presentation master level.

Notes of some specific slide could be updated as shown in the example below:

import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides

# Method to set Header/Footer text
def update_header_footer_text(master):
    for shape in master.shapes:
        if shape.placeholder is not None:
            if shape.placeholder.type == slides.PlaceholderType.HEADER:
                shape.text_frame.text = "HI there new header"

# Load Presentation
with slides.Presentation("combined_with_master.pptx") as pres:
    # Setting Footer
    pres.header_footer_manager.set_all_footers_text("My Footer text")

    # Access and Update Header
    masterNotesSlide = pres.master_notes_slide_manager.master_notes_slide
    if masterNotesSlide is not None:

    # save presentation"HeaderFooter-out.pptx", slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)

Aspose.Slides for Python via .NET supports Header and Footer in Handout and notes slides. Please follow the steps below:

  • Load a Presentation containing a video.
  • Change Header and Footer settings for notes master and all notes slides.
  • Set master notes slide and all child Footer placeholders visible.
  • Set master notes slide and all child Date and time placeholders visible.
  • Change Header and Footer settings for first notes slide only.
  • Set notes slide Header placeholder visible.
  • Set text to notes slide Header placeholder.
  • Set text to notes slide Date-time placeholder.
  • Write the modified presentation file.

Code Snippet provided in the below Example.

import aspose.pydrawing as draw
import aspose.slides as slides

with slides.Presentation("combined_with_master.pptx") as presentation:
	masterNotesSlide = presentation.master_notes_slide_manager.master_notes_slide
	if masterNotesSlide != None:
		headerFooterManager = masterNotesSlide.header_footer_manager

		# make the master notes slide and all child Footer placeholders visible

		# set text to master notes slide and all child Header placeholders
		headerFooterManager.set_header_and_child_headers_text("Header text") 
		headerFooterManager.set_footer_and_child_footers_text("Footer text") 
		headerFooterManager.set_date_time_and_child_date_times_text("Date and time text") 

	# Change Header and Footer settings for first notes slide only
	notesSlide = presentation.slides[0].notes_slide_manager.notes_slide
	if notesSlide != None:
		headerFooterManager = notesSlide.header_footer_manager

		# make notes slide Header placeholder visible

		if not headerFooterManager.is_header_visible:

		if not headerFooterManager.is_footer_visible:

		if not headerFooterManager.is_slide_number_visible:

		if not headerFooterManager.is_date_time_visible:

		# set text to notes slide Header placeholder
		headerFooterManager.set_header_text("New header text") 
		headerFooterManager.set_footer_text("New footer text") 
		headerFooterManager.set_date_time_text("New date and time text")"testresult.pptx",slides.export.SaveFormat.PPTX)