如何创建 Hello World 演示文档


为了使用用 Aspose.Slides for Java 13.x 之前版本开发的旧代码,您需要对代码进行一些小的更改,代码将按照以前的方式工作。之前在旧的 Aspose.Slides for Java 中存在的所有类现在都已合并到单一的 Aspose.Slides 命名空间下。请查看以下简单代码片段,了解如何在旧的 Aspose.Slides API 中创建 Hello World 演示文档,并遵循描述如何迁移到新合并 API 的步骤。

旧的 Aspose.Slides for Java 方法

//Instantiate a Presentation object that represents a PPT file
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
//Create a License object
License license = new License();
//Set the license of Aspose.Slides for Java to avoid the evaluation limitations
//Adding an empty slide to the presentation and getting the reference of
//that empty slide
Slide slide = pres.addEmptySlide();
//Adding a rectangle (X=2400, Y=1800, Width=1000 & Height=500) to the slide
com.aspose.slides.Rectangle rect = slide.getShapes().addRectangle(2400, 1800, 1000, 500);
//Hiding the lines of rectangle
//Adding a text frame to the rectangle with "Hello World" as a default text
rect.addTextFrame("Hello World");
//Removing the first slide of the presentation which is always added by
//Aspose.Slides for Java by default while creating the presentation
//Writing the presentation as a PPT file

新的 Aspose.Slides for Java 14.x.x 方法

// The path to the documents directory.
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(CreateAPresentation.class);
// Instantiate Presentation
Presentation pres = new Presentation();
// Get the first slide
ISlide sld = (ISlide) pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);
// Add an AutoShape of Rectangle type
IAutoShape ashp = sld.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, 150, 75, 150, 50);
// Add ITextFrame to the Rectangle
ashp.addTextFrame("Hello World");
// Change the text color to Black (which is White by default)
// Change the line color of the rectangle to White
// Remove any fill formatting in the shape
// Save the presentation to disk
pres.save(dataDir + "HelloWorld.pptx", com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.Pptx);