Rendering Resource Sheet View

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Microsoft Project’s Resource Sheet view provides details about all a project’s resources. Resource information such as name, type, standard and overtime rates, costs, and calendar can be viewed using this view. Aspose.Tasks for C++ API supports rendering the Resource Sheet to PDF using the PresentationFormat enumerator.

Rendering Resource Sheet View

The code snippet in this article reads a source MPP file that has a number of resources and renders these to output PDF using the following steps:

  1. Create an instance of Project Reader.
  2. Read the source MPP file.
  3. Set the PresentationFormat to ResourceSheet.
  4. Render the project to output PDF.
 1// Create project instance
 2System::SharedPtr<Project> project1 = System::MakeObject<Project>(dataDir + u"ResourceSheetView.mpp");
 4// Set the Presentation Format to Resource Sheet
 5PresentationFormat format = Aspose::Tasks::Visualization::PresentationFormat::ResourceSheet;
 7// Define rendering options
 8System::SharedPtr<SaveOptions> options = System::MakeObject<PdfSaveOptions>();
10project1->Save(dataDir + u"ResourceSheetView_out.pdf", options);
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