Positioning Tables
This is controlled by the USE_POSITIONING_TABLES parameter. By default, its value is 0 (NONE). This means that Aspose Words for JasperReports will never use positioning tables. However, you can enable this option by setting it to 1 (ALWAYS) if you need to force usage of positioning tables (for example, for complex reports with hierarchy of subreports, frames etc). Or you can set it to 2 (SMART) if you need to use adaptive algorithm – positioning tables will be used only where they are required.
In JasperReports:
import com.aspose.words.jasperreports.*;
AWDocExporter exporter = new AWDocExporter();
exporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.USE_POSITIONING_TABLES, 2);
In JasperServer:
<bean id="aw_exportParameters" class="com.aspose.words.jasperreports.AWExportParametersBean">
<property name="usePositioningTables" value="2"/>