إضافة خاصية الرسوم المتحركة وإعداد الكاميرا المستهدفة في مستند 3D

إضافة خاصية الرسوم المتحركة في مستند 3D

Aspose.3D for .NET يدعم عرض مشهد متحرك. تشرح هذه المقالة المتطلبات الأساسية لنقل كائن ما.

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In Aspose.3D, object animation is actually key-frame animation that animates on properties. To animate properties, you need a CurveMapping instance which maps components of a property to different curves, for example, a Vector3 property can have 3 components X/Y/Z, which will set up three channels in CurveMapping, every channel can have a set of Curve.

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-3d/Aspose.3D-for-.NET
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Call Common class create mesh using polygon builder method to set mesh instance
Mesh mesh = Common.CreateMeshUsingPolygonBuilder();
// Each cube node has their own translation
Node cube1 = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("cube1", mesh);
// Find translation property on node's transform object
Property translation = cube1.Transform.FindProperty("Translation");
// Create a bind point based on translation property
BindPoint bindPoint = new BindPoint(scene, translation);
// Create the animation curve on X component of the scale
bindPoint.BindKeyframeSequence("X", new KeyframeSequence()
// Move node's translation to (10, 0, 10) at 0 sec using bezier interpolation
{0, 10.0f, Interpolation.Bezier},
// Move node's translation to (20, 0, -10) at 3 sec
{3, 20.0f, Interpolation.Bezier},
// Move node's translation to (30, 0, 0) at 5 sec
{5, 30.0f, Interpolation.Linear},
// Create the animation curve on Z component of the scale
bindPoint.BindKeyframeSequence("Z", new KeyframeSequence()
// Move node's translation to (10, 0, 10) at 0 sec using bezier interpolation
{0, 10.0f, Interpolation.Bezier},
// Move node's translation to (20, 0, -10) at 3 sec
{3, -10.0f, Interpolation.Bezier},
// Move node's translation to (30, 0, 0) at 5 sec
{5, 0.0f, Interpolation.Linear},
// Save 3D scene in the supported file formats

إعداد الكاميرا المستهدفة في ملف 3D

Aspose.3D for .NET عروض لإعداد الكاميرا المستهدفة في ملف 3D. في بعض تنسيقات الملفات ، يدعم الضوء/الكاميرا الهدف ، مما يسمح للضوء/الكاميرا دائمًا بمواجهة عقدة محددة ، وهذا مفيد في الرسوم المتحركة.

في المثال أدناه ، تم إعداد الهدف والكاميرا في ملف 3D:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-3d/Aspose.3D-for-.NET
// Initialize scene object
Scene scene = new Scene();
// Get a child node object
Node cameraNode = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("camera", new Camera());
// Set camera node translation
cameraNode.Transform.Translation = new Vector3(100, 20, 0);
cameraNode.GetEntity<Camera>().Target = scene.RootNode.CreateChildNode("target");