Trabajando con extrusión lineal
Realización de extrusión lineal
Aspose.3D for Java ofrece la clase LinearExtrusion
, que toma una forma 2D como entrada y extiende la forma en la 3ª dimensión. El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo realizar la extrusión lineal:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir(); | |
// Initialize the base shape to be extruded | |
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded | |
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape(); | |
profile.setRoundingRadius(0.3); | |
// Perform Linear extrusion by passing a 2D shape as input and extend the shape in the 3rd dimension | |
LinearExtrusion extrusion = new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setSlices(100); setCenter(true); setTwist(360); setTwistOffset(new Vector3(10, 0, 0));}}; | |
extrusion.setSlices(100); | |
extrusion.setCenter(true); | |
extrusion.setTwist(360); | |
extrusion.setTwistOffset(new Vector3(10, 0, 0)); | |
// Create a scene | |
Scene scene = new Scene(); | |
// Create a child node by passing extrusion | |
scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(extrusion); | |
// Save 3D scene | | + "LinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ); |
Rebanadas en Extrusión Lineal
Aspose.3D for Java ofrece el método setSlices()
de la clase LinearExtrusion
. El método setSlices() define el número de puntos intermedios a lo largo de la trayectoria de la extrusión. El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo usar el método setSlices() en la extrusión lineal:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir(); | |
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded | |
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape(); | |
profile.setRoundingRadius(0.3); | |
// Create a scene | |
Scene scene = new Scene(); | |
// Create left node | |
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
// Create right node | |
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0)); | |
// Slices parameter defines the number of intermediate points along the path of the extrusion | |
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using slices property | |
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{setSlices(2);}}); | |
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using slices property | |
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{setSlices(10);}}); | |
// Save 3D scene | | + "SlicesInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ); |
Centro en extrusión lineal
Aspose.3D for Java ofrece el método setCenter()
de la clase LinearExtrusion
. Si el método setCenter() se establece en true, el rango de extrusión es de-Height/2 a Height/2; de lo contrario, la extrusión es de 0 a Height. El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo usar el método setCenter() en extrusión lineal:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir(); | |
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded | |
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape(); | |
profile.setRoundingRadius(0.3); | |
// Create a scene | |
Scene scene = new Scene(); | |
// Create left node | |
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
// Create right node | |
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0)); | |
// If Center property is true, the extrusion range is from -Height/2 to Height/2, otherwise the extrusion is from 0 to Height | |
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using center and slices property | |
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{ setCenter(false); setSlices(3); }}); | |
// Set ground plane for reference | |
left.createChildNode(new Box(0.01, 3, 3)); | |
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using center and slices property | |
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 2) {{ setCenter(true); setSlices(3); }}); | |
// Set ground plane for reference | |
right.createChildNode(new Box(0.01, 3, 3)); | |
// Save 3D scene | | + "CenterInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ); |
Twist en extrusión lineal
Aspose.3D for Java ofrece el método setTwist()
de la clase LinearExtrusion
. El método setTwist() controla el grado de rotación al extruir la forma. El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo usar el método setTwist() en la extrusión lineal:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir(); | |
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded | |
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape(); | |
profile.setRoundingRadius(0.3); | |
// Create a scene | |
Scene scene = new Scene(); | |
// Create left node | |
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
// Create right node | |
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0)); | |
// Twist property defines the degree of the rotation while extruding the profile | |
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property | |
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(0); setSlices(100); }}); | |
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist and slices property | |
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(90); setSlices(100); }}); | |
// Save 3D scene | | + "TwistInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ); |
TwistOffset en extrusión lineal
Aspose.3D for Java ofrece el método setTwistOffset()
de la clase LinearExtrusion
. El método setTwistOffset() convierte el desplazamiento mientras gira la extrusión. El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo usar el método setTwistOffset() en la extrusión lineal:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir(); | |
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded | |
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape(); | |
profile.setRoundingRadius(0.3); | |
// Create a scene | |
Scene scene = new Scene(); | |
// Create left node | |
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
// Create right node | |
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0)); | |
// TwistOffset property is the translate offset while rotating the extrusion. | |
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property | |
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(360); setSlices(100); }}); | |
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, twist offset and slices property | |
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{setTwist(360); setSlices(100); setTwistOffset(new Vector3(3, 0, 0));}}); | |
// Save 3D scene | | + "TwistOffsetInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ); |
Dirección en extrusión lineal
Aspose.3D for Java ofrece el método setDirection()
de la clase LinearExtrusion
. El método setDirection() define la dirección de la extrusión. El siguiente fragmento de código muestra cómo usar el método setDirection() en la extrusión lineal:
// For complete examples and data files, please go to | |
// The path to the documents directory. | |
String MyDir = RunExamples.getDataDir(); | |
// Initialize the base profile to be extruded | |
RectangleShape profile = new RectangleShape(); | |
profile.setRoundingRadius(0.3); | |
// Create a scene | |
Scene scene = new Scene(); | |
// Create left node | |
Node left = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
// Create right node | |
Node right = scene.getRootNode().createChildNode(); | |
left.getTransform().setTranslation(new Vector3(5, 0, 0)); | |
// Direction property defines the direction of the extrusion. | |
// Perform linear extrusion on left node using twist and slices property | |
left.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(360); setSlices(100); }}); | |
// Perform linear extrusion on right node using twist, slices, and direction property | |
right.createChildNode(new LinearExtrusion(profile, 10) {{ setTwist(360); setSlices(100); setDirection(new Vector3(0.3, 0.2, 1));}}); | |
// Save 3D scene | | + "DirectionInLinearExtrusion.obj", FileFormat.WAVEFRONTOBJ); |