Set Aspect Ratio

Setting Aspect Ratio

An aspect ratio of 3:2 means that the barcode is 1.5 or 3/2 times wider than it is tall. In other words, the width of the barcode is 1.5 times larger than the height. Below is a Pdf417 barcode with an aspect ration of 1.5

PDF417 barcode with an aspect ratio of 1.5


An aspect ratio of 2 means that the barcode’s width is twice its height. Below is a Pdf417 barcode with an aspect ratio of 2.

PDF417 barcode with an aspect ratio of 2


The code below shows how to set the aspect ratio in Java.


 public class MyAttributes


    public static BarCodeAttributes Create(String text, String symbology)


        BarCodeAttributes b = new BarCodeAttributes();



        // Set Aspect Ratio to 3:2 or 1.5


        return b;




 <image hAlign="Center">

<reportElement x="0" y="600"  width="500" height="250" />                

<imageExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRenderable">

   <![CDATA[new com.aspose.barcode.jr.BarCodeRenderer(MyAttributes.Create(

      "1234567890", "PDF417")


