Check Barcode Recognition Quality

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Developers may need to check whether barcode reading outputs are accurate and complete. For this purpose, Aspose.BarCode for Java provides two specific methods of class BarCodeResult: getConfidence and getReadingQuality.
Depending of the quality of barcode reading results, the getConfidence method returns a instance of the BarCodeConfidence enum that denotes the recognition confidence level. This enumeration contains values STRONG, NONE, and MODERATE that are discussed below. The getReadingQuality method returns an estimate of recognition quality corresponding to the confidence level, as explained in the table below.

Confidence Level Quality Value Description
NONE 0 If the confidence level is None, it indicates that the barcode is invalid and its information has been read with errors. If required, it is possible to get its symbology and position in the image and decode barcode information partially
MODERATE 80 This confidence level may be returned for linear and postal barcode types with weak or absent checksum controls. Furthermore, it is necessary to analyze the result of the getReadingQuality method. The absolute correctness of barcode reading results is not assured
STRONG 100 This confidence level is returned for all 2D symbologies with Reed-Solomon error correction. It means that barcode text has been recognized accurately