Supported File Formats

Supported File Formats

The following table indicates the file formats that Aspose.CAD for Java can load and Save.

DWGAutoCAD Drawing Database Filetick - 3D Solids (Conic, Sphere, Torus, Cylinder, Box, Wedge)
- Wired models.
- Basic view cube positions.
- 3D Faces.
DXFDrawing Exchange Format Fileticktick (Partially Supported)- 3D Solids (Conic, Sphere, Torus, Cylinder, Box, Wedge)
- Wired models.
- Basic view cube positions.
- 3D Faces.
- Surfaces, Meshes
DGNMicroStation Design Filetick - 3D Solids (Conic, Sphere, Torus, Cylinder, Box, Wedge)
- Surfaces, Meshes
IFCIndustry Foundation Classes Fileticktick 
FBXFBX, FilmBox, is a popular 3D file formatticktick 
STPAn STP file is a 3D CAD file used for exchange of product data between CAD and CAM applications.ticktick 
IGESInitial Graphics Exchange Specificationtick  
STLStereolithography Filetick  
DWTAutoCAD Drawing Templatetick  
PLTHPGL Plot Filetick  
SVGScalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a web-friendly vector file formatticktick 
DWFDesign Web Formatticktick 
3DSA file with .3ds extension represents 3D Sudio (DOS) mesh file format used by Autodesk 3D Studioticktick 
DXBDXB is the binary version of a .DXF file, which is text-basedtick  
U3DUniversal 3Dticktick
DWFxDWFx is the newest version of the DWF file format.
DWFx is based on the XML Paper Specification (XPS)
CF2Common File Format Filetick  
COLLADADigital Asset Exchange file formattick  
OBJ3D Object Fileticktick 
CGMComputer Graphics Metafileticktick 
GLBBinary file format representation of 3D modelsticktick 
GLTF3D file format that stores 3D model information in JSON formatticktick 
WebPModern raster web image file format that is based on lossless and lossy compressiontick 
EmfEnhanced metafile format (EMF) stores graphical images device-independentlytick 
WmfFiles with WMF extension represent Microsoft Windows Metafile (WMF) for storing vector as well as bitmap-format images datatick 
DicomCombination of file format definition and a network communications protocoltick 
PDFPortable Document Format tick 
PSDPSD, Photoshop Document, represents Adobe Photoshop’s native file format used for graphics designing and developmentticktick 
TIFFWork with a TIFF Imageticktick 
JPEGWork with a JPEG Formatticktick 
Jpeg2000Variant of JPEG file format and is compressed with the wavelet compressiontick 
PNGWork with a PNG Formatticktick 
GIFWork with a GIF Formatticktick 
BMPWork with a BMP Formatticktick 

Not yet supported

  • Shadows, lights, materials, additional cameras, etc.
  • No support for naturally flat entities mixed with 3D entities in the same drawing.
  • No support for entities building like intersected entities, united entities and etc.