Orden personalizado en la tabla dinámica

Cómo establecer una clasificación personalizada en la tabla dinámica utilizando Aspose.Cells para la biblioteca de Excel de Python

Al usar la API de Aspose.Cells para Python via .NET, puede ordenar las tablas dinámicas según los valores del campo. El siguiente fragmento de código carga el archivo de Excel de muestra y agrega tres tablas dinámicas. La primera tabla dinámica está sin clasificación personalizada, la segunda tabla dinámica está ordenada en los valores del campo de fila “SeaFood” y la tercera tabla dinámica está ordenada en los valores del campo de columna “28/07/2000”.

El archivo fuente de ejemplo y los archivos de salida se pueden descargar desde aquí para probar el código de ejemplo:

Archivo de Excel Fuente

Archivo de Excel de Salida

Archivo de PDF de Salida

Código de muestra

from aspose.cells import PdfSaveOptions, Workbook
from aspose.cells.pivot import PivotFieldType
# For complete examples and data files, please go to https:# github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-.NET
# Source directory
sourceDir = RunExamples.Get_SourceDirectory()
outputDir = RunExamples.Get_OutputDirectory()
wb = Workbook(sourceDir + "SamplePivotSort.xlsx")
# Obtaining the reference of the newly added worksheet
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
pivotTables = sheet.pivot_tables
# source PivotTable
# Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet
index = pivotTables.add("=Sheet1!A1:C10", "E3", "PivotTable2")
# Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable
pivotTable = pivotTables[index]
# Unshowing grand totals for rows.
pivotTable.row_grand = False
pivotTable.column_grand = False
# Dragging the first field to the row area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.ROW, 1)
rowField = pivotTable.row_fields[0]
rowField.is_auto_sort = True
rowField.is_ascend_sort = True
# Dragging the second field to the column area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.COLUMN, 0)
colField = pivotTable.column_fields[0]
colField.number_format = "dd/mm/yyyy"
colField.is_auto_sort = True
colField.is_ascend_sort = True
# Dragging the third field to the data area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.DATA, 2)
# end of source PivotTable
# sort the PivotTable on "SeaFood" row field values
# Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet
index = pivotTables.add("=Sheet1!A1:C10", "E10", "PivotTable2")
# Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable
pivotTable = pivotTables[index]
# Unshowing grand totals for rows.
pivotTable.row_grand = False
pivotTable.column_grand = False
# Dragging the first field to the row area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.ROW, 1)
rowField = pivotTable.row_fields[0]
rowField.is_auto_sort = True
rowField.is_ascend_sort = True
# Dragging the second field to the column area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.COLUMN, 0)
colField = pivotTable.column_fields[0]
colField.number_format = "dd/mm/yyyy"
colField.is_auto_sort = True
colField.is_ascend_sort = True
colField.auto_sort_field = 0
# Dragging the third field to the data area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.DATA, 2)
# end of sort the PivotTable on "SeaFood" row field values
# sort the PivotTable on "28/07/2000" column field values
# Adding a PivotTable to the worksheet
index = pivotTables.add("=Sheet1!A1:C10", "E18", "PivotTable2")
# Accessing the instance of the newly added PivotTable
pivotTable = pivotTables[index]
# Unshowing grand totals for rows.
pivotTable.row_grand = False
pivotTable.column_grand = False
# Dragging the first field to the row area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.ROW, 1)
rowField = pivotTable.row_fields[0]
rowField.is_auto_sort = True
rowField.is_ascend_sort = True
rowField.auto_sort_field = 0
# Dragging the second field to the column area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.COLUMN, 0)
colField = pivotTable.column_fields[0]
colField.number_format = "dd/mm/yyyy"
colField.is_auto_sort = True
colField.is_ascend_sort = True
# Dragging the third field to the data area.
pivotTable.add_field_to_area(PivotFieldType.DATA, 2)
# end of sort the PivotTable on "28/07/2000" column field values
# Saving the Excel file
wb.save(outputDir + "out_java.xlsx")
options = PdfSaveOptions()
options.one_page_per_sheet = True
wb.save(outputDir + "out_java.pdf", options)