Conversion de la feuille de calcul en SVG en PHP

Aspose.Cells - Conversion de la feuille de travail en SVG

Pour convertir la feuille de calcul en SVG en utilisant Aspose.Cells for Java en PHP, appelez simplement la feuille de calcul_à_Méthode svg() du module Converter.

Code PHP

 $saveFormat = new SaveFormat();

$path = $dataDir . "Template.xlsx";

//Create a workbook object from the template file

$workbook = new Workbook($path);

//Convert each worksheet into svg format in a single page.

$imgOptions = new ImageOrPrintOptions();



//Convert each worksheet into svg format

$sheetCount = $workbook->getWorksheets()->getCount();

for($i=0; $i < $sheetCount; $i++)


    $sheet = $workbook->getWorksheets()->get($i);

    $sr = new SheetRender($sheet, $imgOptions);

    $pageCount = $sr->getPageCount();

    for ($k = 0; $k < $pageCount; $k++)


        //Output the worksheet into Svg image format

        $sr->toImage($k, $path . $sheet->getName() . $k . ".out.svg");



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