Déprotéger une feuille de calcul dans Python

Aspose.Cells - Déprotéger une feuille de calcul

Pour protéger la feuille de calcul à l’aide deAspose.Cells Java for Python , téléphoner àunprotect_worksheet méthode deprotection module.

Code Python

 filesFormatType = self.FileFormatType

# Instantiating a Workbook object

workbook = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1.xls")

worksheets = workbook.getWorksheets()

worksheet = worksheets.get(0)

protection = worksheet.getProtection()

# The following 3 methods are only for Excel 2000 and earlier formats




# Unprotecting the worksheet


\# Save the excel file.

workbook.save(self.dataDir + "output.xls", filesFormatType.EXCEL_97_TO_2003)

# Print Message

print "Worksheet unprotected successfully."

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