Cerca dati utilizzando valori originali
Cerca dati usando valori originali
Il seguente codice di esempio illustra il punto sopra. Trova la cella D4 che non può essere trovata utilizzando le opzioni di ricerca di Microsoft Excel ma Aspose.Cells può trovarla utilizzando LookInType.ORIGINAL_VALUES. Si prega di leggere i commenti all’interno del codice per ulteriori informazioni.
// For complete examples and data files, please go to https://github.com/aspose-cells/Aspose.Cells-for-Java | |
String dataDir = Utils.getDataDir(SearchDataUsingOriginalValues.class); | |
// Create workbook object | |
Workbook workbook = new Workbook(); | |
// Access first worksheet | |
Worksheet worksheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); | |
// Add 10 in cell A1 and A2 | |
worksheet.getCells().get("A1").putValue(10); | |
worksheet.getCells().get("A2").putValue(10); | |
// Add Sum formula in cell D4 but customize it as --- | |
Cell cell = worksheet.getCells().get("D4"); | |
Style style = cell.getStyle(); | |
style.setCustom("---"); | |
cell.setStyle(style); | |
// The result of formula will be 20, but 20 will not be visible because the cell is formated as --- | |
cell.setFormula("=Sum(A1:A2)"); | |
// Calculate the workbook | |
workbook.calculateFormula(); | |
// Create find options, we will search 20 using. original values otherwise 20 will never be found,because it is formatted | |
// as | |
FindOptions options = new FindOptions(); | |
options.setLookInType(LookInType.ORIGINAL_VALUES); | |
options.setLookAtType(LookAtType.ENTIRE_CONTENT); | |
Cell foundCell = null; | |
Object obj = 20; | |
// Find 20 which is Sum(A1:A2) and formatted as --- | |
foundCell = worksheet.getCells().find(obj, foundCell, options); | |
// Print the found cell | |
System.out.println(foundCell); | |
// Save the workbook | |
workbook.save(dataDir + "output.xlsx"); |
Output della console
Ecco l’output della console del codice di esempio sopra.
Aspose.Cells.Cell [ D4; ValueType : IsNumeric; Value : ---; Formula:=SUM(A1:A2)]