Conversion between cell name and row/column index

How to Get Cell Name from Row and Column Indices

It is possible to find a cell’s name given the row and column index. This article explains how.

Aspose.Cells provides the CellsHelper.cellIndexToName method which allows developers to get a cell’s name if they provide the row and column index.

The following sample code illustrates how to use CellsHelper.cellIndexToName to access the cell’s name given at a known row and column index. The code generates the following output.

Cell Name at [0, 0]: A1

Cell Name at [4, 0]: A5

Cell Name at [0, 4]: E1

Cell Name at [2, 2]: C3
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
String cellname = CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(0, 0);
System.out.println("Cell Name at [0, 0]: " + cellname);
cellname = CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(4, 0);
System.out.println("Cell Name at [4, 0]: " + cellname);
cellname = CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(0, 4);
System.out.println("Cell Name at [0, 4]: " + cellname);
cellname = CellsHelper.cellIndexToName(2, 2);
System.out.println("Cell Name at [2, 2]: " + cellname);

How to Get Row and Column Indices from Cell Name

It is possible to find a row and column index of the cell from its name. This article explains how.

Aspose.Cells provides the CellsHelper.cellNameToIndex method which allows developers to get a row and column index from the cell’s name.

The following sample code illustrates how to use CellsHelper.cellNameToIndex to get the row and column index from the cell’s name. The code generates the following output.

Row Index of Cell C6: 5

Column Index of Cell C6: 2
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
int[] cellIndices = CellsHelper.cellNameToIndex("C6");
System.out.println("Row Index of Cell C6: " + cellIndices[0]);
System.out.println("Column Index of Cell C6: " + cellIndices[1]);

How to Create safe sheet names

Sometimes there is a need for assigning the sheet name at runtime. In this scenario, there may be sheet names which may contain some additional characters like <>+(?”. There is a need to replace any such character, which is not allowed as a sheet name with some preset character provided by the user. Similarly, the length may increase to more than 31 characters which needs to be truncated. Apache POI provides certain features of creating safe names, hence similar feature is provided by Aspose.Cells to handle all these issues. Following sample code demonstrates this feature:

// For complete examples and data files, please go to
// Long name will be truncated to 31 characters
String name1 = CellsHelper.createSafeSheetName("this is first name which is created using CellsHelper.CreateSafeSheetName and truncated to 31 characters");
// Any invalid character will be replaced with _
String name2 = CellsHelper.createSafeSheetName(" <> + (adj.Private ? \" Private\" : \")", '_');//? shall be replaced with _
// Display first name
//Display second name

Console Output

this is first name which is cre

` `<> + (adj.Private _ " Private"