Convert an Excel Chart to Image

Converting Charts to Images

In the examples here, a pie chart and a column char are converted to images.

Converting a Pie Chart to an Image File

First, create a pie chart in Microsoft Excel and then convert it to an image file with Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET. The code in this example creates an EMF image based on the pie chart in the template Microsoft Excel file.

Output: pie chart image
  1. Create a pie chart in Microsoft Excel :
    1. Opened a new workbook in Microsoft Excel.
    2. Input some data into a worksheet.
    3. Created a pie chart based on the data.
    4. Save the file.
The input file.

We host our Python packages in PyPi repositories.

Install Aspose.Cells for Python from pypi, use command as: $ pip install aspose-cells-python.

And you can also follow the step-by-step instructions on how to install “Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET” to your developer environment.

  1. Download and install Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET:
    1. Install Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET from pypi, use command as: $ pip install aspose-cells-python.
    2. And you can also follow the step-by-step instructions on how to install “Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET” to your developer environment.

All Aspose components work in evaluation mode when first installed. The evaluation mode has no time limit and it only injects watermarks into output documents.

  1. Create a project:
    1. Start Visual Studio.
    2. Add a library reference (import the library) to your Python project.
    3. Write the code that finds and converts the chart. Below is the code used by the component to accomplish the task. Very few lines of code are used.

Converting a Column Chart to an Image File

First create a column chart in Microsoft Excel and convert it to an image file, as above. After executing the sample code, a JPEG file is created based on the column chart in the template Excel file.

Output file: a column chart image.
  1. Create a column chart in Microsoft Excel:
    1. Open a new workbook in Microsoft Excel.
    2. Input some data into a worksheet.
    3. Create a column chart based on the data.
    4. Save the file.
Input file.
  1. Set up a project, with references, as described above.
  2. Convert the chart to an image dynamically. Following is the code used by the component to accomplish the task. The code is similar to the previous one: