Konvertera kalkylblad till bild i Python

Aspose.Cells - Konvertering av kalkylblad till bild

För att konvertera kalkylblad till bild med Aspose.Cells for Java i Ruby, helt enkelt anropa Converter modulen.


 imageFormat = self.ImageFormat

#Instantiate a workbook with path to an Excel file

book = self.Workbook(self.dataDir + "Book1.xls")

#Create an object for ImageOptions

imgOptions = self.ImageOrPrintOptions()

#Set the image type


#Get the first worksheet.

sheet = book.getWorksheets().get(0)

#Create a SheetRender object for the target sheet

sr =self.SheetRender(sheet, imgOptions)

for i in range(sr.getPageCount()):

#Generate an image for the worksheet

sr.toImage(i, self.dataDir + "mysheetimg" + ".png")

\# Print message

print "Images generated successfully."

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